Queen and I (2012): Ep 4 Rewatch on Sat, Sept 16

The thread is open.

From @GB,

Time in some parts of the world (at least until Daylight Savings kicks in again)
6:30am PST
9:30am EST/Caracas
2.30pm in London
3.30pm in Paris
4.30pm in Athens
9.30pm in Singapore/Malaysia/Hong Kong/Perth

Enjoy the show!

143 Comments On “Queen and I (2012): Ep 4 Rewatch on Sat, Sept 16”

  1. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Thanks @pkml3! I thought I’d see this thread tomorrow at 12 noon, not tonight at 12 midnight!

  2. Finished Episode 3 Just In Time πŸ˜‰

    The ML knows how to take thing in their fair measure. That is wise indeed.

  3. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @FGB! I just did a quick skim through of Episode 4 for tonight. LOL over the end where Bong Do learns ‘etiquette’.

  4. Hi here!! It’s out-of-context, but as I’m entousiast about that, I post it here.
    Remember the sound-effect I made on TKEM?

    The year before I made another one, but never posted it online. It was when I was thinking it would be cool to create a photo-drama with audio. But I gave up on that when I understood it would be impossible to do and too much time consuming.

    No it’s done! I posted it this week after I found the file on a hard drive I’ve lost.
    (Put volume to the MAAAAAX to enjoy it better)
    HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7GV-bmjaGns

  5. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @WE,
    That was certainly scary!!! Didn’t need to go to maximum. Wondered if I was hearing the alien’s footsteps Heh!

    What did you use to make the sound?

  6. @GB, I used Audacity (free software). Sounds are from a free-domain bank sound.

    The audio-montage relate how goes the scene:
    – First, a doom feeling, a threat not identified yet, with goosebump.
    – Second, a crescendo, as we understand more and more the danger, blood-freezing. Here I used more than one crescendo sound. But I found one that was perfect because it’s endless and go very high (I think it’s from plane reactor). I you compare with other “woshh” effects like that, this one is a huge ramp. But I was in trouble, because it’s so intense that the next phase really need to smash your gut!
    – Finally, the pure terror phase when the danger reveal, with a distorded hammering sound. I listened a lot of sounds before to discover this wonderful and terrible sound, loud and strident. I was like “wooo!”, that’s exactly this feeling.

    The day you’ll read the scene, you’ll make nightmare when sleeping after. πŸ˜€
    But there are other terrific scenes, some already published. πŸ˜‰
    You know, W feeling, GOOSEBUMP!
    I just feel this one is the most scary. On my (of course biased) opinion, more scary than the most scary scene in W season1. I don’t know the one, maybe when Sung-Moo loose his face? I would need to find a scene from a movie to compare, but nothing comes to my mind now.

  7. While I’m speaking about that. W background music are awesome.
    Here it’s not a sound effect, but the most scary music from the drama:

    It uses some disturbing effects like there is in the musics of the movie “The Shining”. Maybe you watched it because it’s a well know classic by S. Kubrick. If you find the music (maybe on YT?) and listen to it alone, you feel uneasy, and it’s not a good idea to listen that before to go to bed. πŸ™‚

  8. Dear @GB, knowing how low I view episodes I should start now! πŸ˜€

    It was very interesting your collection of effects, @WE πŸ˜‰ . My first guess is an analog synthesizer with a saw wave πŸ˜€

  9. @FGB, honestly, I forgot. On the bank sounds website there are tons of category. I listened short excerpts, then downloaded anything. I end with 300 sounds on my computer, then choose the few ones I want to use. It’s such a mess I don’t remember anything about what is what. These little 45 seconds took me days to do. T T

  10. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, I’m the same with the zillions of files I keep. Can’t remember which is which and some get duplicated in folders just in case I can’t find them later.

    I noticed that 11 years ago my Queen In Hyun folder had the episodes only from Ep 6 onwards and each episode was broken into 4 15 minutes or less videos. I guess I’ll have to download those episodes again to get them all in 1 piece.

    We start in 1 minute!

  11. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @FGB, let’s start NOW!!!

  12. Hi @WE, @GB and @FG. Very cool sound @WE (although I did not blast it out at top volume – would ruin my eardrums with the little earbuds I think, LOL). I am ready to start – well maybe more coffee.

    @WE, my oldest son used to play with sound effects when he was a teenager. He downloaded something that reminded me of our cub scout visit to a radio station — all the sound waves available for viewing — and then remixed it. Being a wise? foolish? mom, I did not ask where he got that capability.

  13. Hi, everyone is so active.

  14. 4×15? Weird, or maybe it comes from youtube? They did that for some dramas. By the way, Jang Ok Jung is on YT, cut like that.

  15. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @SD!! We’re starting already.

    Bong Do has a really good horse who waited for him. I wonder how many days pass… the same length of time that he’s away, I guess.

  16. Hi STD and FF!

  17. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @FF!
    Yup, we’re all active and online long before our party time. Just waiting to jump in and start.

  18. @WE, now I am thinking about sound as I watch the opening scene, starts out high pitched then goes mellow, LOL

  19. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, Yup, probably from YT at that time. Couldn’t go beyond a certain length.

    Hah! PM Min Nam is worried… might pee in his pants since the King is looking at something that might be his letter LOL.

  20. So, previous episode, SJJ didn’t forget the horse, and now too. Anything he bring in this time go back with him… except the killer body. So rule is… is it’s something dead/destroyed, it vanishes into smoke?

  21. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @SD, Yes, now I’m noticing the sounds that speak of tension and trepidation. OST bluffed us though, there was nothing to worry about!

  22. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, previous episode he brought the horse and the horse appeared on the TV in the News. So this must be another horse?

  23. The villain sweat… hahaha, that’s what I like about villains in kdramas, they are not stoic stone like hollywood movies, they endure a lot of trouble. πŸ™‚

  24. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    PM Min Am has so much guilt that even an innocent smile on Bong Do’s face causes great anxiety… his enemy smiling must be bad news LOL.

  25. @GB, no, it’s the same horse. Maybe we’ll get a scene where people of present time don’t understand why the horse disapeared?

  26. The first scene where b d talks to the horse illustrates how gentle he is, With such an air of confidence.

  27. I don’t remember another drama where the Prime Minister/villain looks nervous and afraid.

  28. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    The actor playing the bad guy overacts a bit but he’s funny.

    Now off to make his poor minion do the unthinkable.
    = = =
    But we cut to the present day.

    Manager Jo is trying to find out if Dong Min had a big say in Hui Jin’s getting the main role.

  29. Min Am and Bong Do are speaking in such abstract manner, who is scaring who. I guess Min Am is scaring himself with his own guilt.

  30. I am a little ahead since I am a slow watcher. Loved watching the vermin tremble, as he should. For some reason I can’t shake the idea of Bong-Doo travelling inside a wall. Well, he came back. Can understand the SML’s reaction on watching a personnel that shouldn’t be there inside Hee-Jin’s bathroom.

  31. @Hi Monmor. He’s a gentle hero. He even save the ginsaeng instead to get a perfect accusation of the villain that would cost him to drink a bowl of poison.

  32. I know how the way the state minister’s feet are filmed as he steps into. The king’s chamber is somewhat similar to the focus on b d’s feet when he steps onto the elevator.

  33. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, no, don’t think I recall a scene of the horse disappearing. Bong Do disappeared on his own but his horse may have gone back with him.

    LOL HJ looking for Bong Do in the tiny medicine cabinet!!!

  34. @GB, I saw this actor in so many dramas I can’t even remember which ones. πŸ™‚

  35. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @SD, this actor playing the bad guy usually does comedy. He looks a bit out of place as a baddie.

  36. Dear @PackMule3, how are you?… my comments doesn’t show.

  37. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, Yes, Bong Do only had to hint and Min Am sweated all on his own. Too much guilt!

  38. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @Monmor (@MM for short!)
    Thanks for drawing attention to the feet. Good to catch as much detail as we can.

  39. @GB, I choose to save his performance! It’s in-line of many k-historicals! A bit theatrical πŸ™‚

  40. Bong Do is so daring to use himself as a guinea pig to test his suspicion that the talisman will him from danger in the nick of time.

  41. The smart hero guess the time travel rule, what lead to a comedy scene with his poor assistant. πŸ™‚

  42. I love the line about the better hand and his litle smile. Just how strategic BD is.

  43. @FF, yeah, it’s a bit usual with SJJ smart heros, they always guess all, and are always right. Remember W, when Kang Chul shoot Yeon-Joo. lol!

  44. @FF, I don’t think that the Minister has remorse. It is more akin of knowing that what he has done could drive him to the execution of not only him but also his whole family as happened to Bong-Doo.

    In Neoconfucian tradition (if memory serves well) ancestors eat the offerings of their living members, so not having blood-related families alive means a spirit would starve. Maybe I am in the wrong but that is what I got from watching “Arang and the Magistrate” with Shin Min-Ah back in 2013.

    Please take my comment as a direction rather than truth and spice it with a grain of salt or two πŸ˜‰

  45. IN EACH SITUATION the character is stepping into potentially dangerous unknown situation. RE the feet

  46. So, I forgot the scene, but there was a set-up so the other guy (main actor) goes in the hospital room. Just in time before ML goes out. Don’t forget all that is supposed to lead to the scene where the ML is trapped in the bathroom. lololol, it needs a lot of setup!! πŸ˜€

  47. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, guess BD didn’t have any other way to test his time jump theory. Had to rely on the talisman and being shot to death.

  48. As ML pulls the tallisman out I just realized that as the drama goes on it gets more and more bloodied (appropriate of course, but some thing they would have to have kept track of).

  49. The writer need to do some things not “totaly” believable. The ML lost the fight, then can’t find a way to remove the clothe around the bathroom lock. ahaha, how convenient. πŸ˜€

    And of course, loose his damn talisman AGAIN!

  50. Some of grandmothers motivation in the real has come?

  51. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @MM what grandmother motivation?

  52. They would have at least had buttons back in those days. Would it not Have been wise to sew a buttonned pocket into the inside of those traditional garments?

  53. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @SD, yes the talisman really gets messed up as time passes.

    BD is so thoughtful. He came back to test the time travel theory and to check on HJ.

  54. What I notice in this situation: the FL do NOTHING. She could say she knows the ML and find any excuse. But no. Still find a way to go in the bathroom alone.
    I think about that because in a further episode she’s in the same kind of situation BUT do something to help him. πŸ˜‰

  55. Bong Do and Hui Jin talking with their eyes, Bong DO smiling when he is in such an awkward situation. How cool is that.

  56. While her agent is discussing HJ s loss of confidence.

  57. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, I guess HJ couldn’t come up with a believable story about why someone dressed like him should be in her bathroom.

    But at least she’s there to pass him the talisman.

  58. Sorry I am referring to another show re the importane of blood relatedness. Maybe too tangential

  59. So again, when she’s about to give the talisman, she sort out her smartphone just before.
    @GB, saw that? πŸ˜‰

  60. @FGB, you mean Min Am is worried that his spirit will starve when he dies? That’s why he shivers?

  61. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, the eye smile and eye talk… prelude to the romance.

    LOL he’s disappeared from the shower stall while they sat outside.

  62. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, yes I saw HJ take out the smartphone… she wanted to check the map for where the park was in relation to the hospital. Why?

  63. I apologize for what was a tengential comment. I was referring to another show where this theme of blood relatedness is important.

  64. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE I like the half traditional sounding music to accompany BD. I guess it’s BD’s theme.

    He comes in the rain after stealing clothes again. He stole a bag before. Next he’ll steal another bag.

    Now he’s so proud that he’s learnt how to open the car door and put on the seat belt. So HJ has to show off her scaring driving. She’s teaching him nonsense with tongue out.

  65. @GB, because she need to find a map, lol!
    But I think for foreshadowing, it’s a way to reinforce the link talisman-smartphone, like in a scene you notice before. And we know it’s quite… VERY important in the last episode. πŸ™‚

  66. I really enjoyed this non verbal exchange between the leads. There are many subtle interactions that lead into their more Overtly romantic interactions. More to come.

  67. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @MM No need to apologise. We don’t mind if you explain the connection.

  68. Romantic scene in the car. They don’t know where they could hide. So romanticaly embarassing. ahaha.

  69. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, Aaah yes, the talisman versus the phone for the future episode!

  70. @MM, magic of SJJ writing. πŸ˜‰
    Her W screenplay have a lot of scene with a lot of subtext (non verbal interactions).

  71. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @MM, yes I like how he’s so bemused that men and women could get so intimate so soon and she’s all ‘Yeah, that’s the way we do it nowadays.” Crafty little lady!

  72. @GB, yah, you are the first one to notice this foreshadowing! I just blindly follow. πŸ˜‰

  73. In this episode or the next, He says in all naivety. “YOU CALL THIS DRIVING” So funny!

  74. SML fought with Bong-Doo and got him trapped in the shower. Respect for trying to protect Hee-Jin. Given what he knows I commend his attitude.

  75. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, I don’t think I can take the credit for the phone-talisman link… I think it was FGB who mentioned it first.

    Now HJ looks smart about history because she had just studied it for her role. He’s so happy he wants to hug someone!

  76. Historical events… as I watched them in some historical dramas. LOL. But I was curious and also do research, and read it about korean history. ^^

  77. @MM, now I am noticing the feet crossing the threshold (or holding back), interesting and more subtle metaphor.

    @FF, @GB, I also like the exchange of glances and how we (the audience) catch the meaning but the remaining characters do not.

  78. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    LOL @MM, HJ leads BD all wrong when it comes to social etiquette and driving.

  79. The FL is somewhat already in-love and ask anything, profiting the ML doesn’t understand modern usages. Now a hug… But later… aaahaha. So bad woman. ^^

  80. @FF, no, if Minister fails he will be killed… but also his whole family.

  81. I ENJOY HOW THE director shows his mental reasoning, for exzmple his processing of what makes the time travel work

  82. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    So what he did to the jealous actress by bringing her out of the hospital ward, he does for HJ by bringing her into the lift with him to save her from the crowd. He figured it out very fast that she was in trouble.

  83. Romantic wrist grabbing. A classic. πŸ™‚

  84. The traditional music plays at the right time, gives off a romantic feel after the hug. Unbelievable traditional = romantic.

  85. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Yeah, FL has the hots for him LOL tells him to remember how to say goodbye with just anybody with a kiss. He’s grinning… He guesses that she’s lying.

  86. Now, we get the best song of the drama.
    But start with instrumental only.

  87. ML: so, how do you say goodbye here?
    FL: we have sex.
    ML: in a elevator?
    FL: yeah, nothing wrong. Fuck me now.

  88. I liked his introduction to the modern toilet -face first.

  89. No, people don’t just kiss anyone on the lips at farewell. What is Bong do thinking?

    @FG< I think Min Am is more worried for himself. His family is secondary, otherwise he wouldn't have plotted against the King.

  90. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    LOL @MM. Toilet humour?

  91. @WEeeeeeeeee, hahahaha.

  92. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Don’t change the SJJ innocent tale into something R-rated @WE! LOL.

  93. @FF… well… I think he’s ok for that. But won’t admit it next episode. And goes for “oh? really? you don’t say goodbye like that? I’m so surprised. oooh. OOooh.”

  94. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    LOL I think the poor guy will ask innocently what is ‘f*ck’????

  95. The character playing the second male lead. Does such a good job with his arrogance? And we all know That he is headed for humiliation

  96. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, I remember he said he thought that was the proper goodbye to her lady Manager Jo lolol. Jo showed him the correct goodbye etiquette and he smiled knowing what HJ had been up to in the lift.

  97. Bong Do is quite a sensitive guy, he asks Hui Jin if she is unwell because she is lying down in the car.

  98. I need to rewatch the episode, think I missed out some parts while commenting.

  99. @GB, yeah, there is a scene about that. Certainly next episode.
    Purpose is to put FL in a very embarassing situation, like…
    She can’t hide her attraction anymore. heyhey. πŸ™‚

  100. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @MM, Dong Min was HJ’s ex-bf and so he is even more super arrogant. With his narcissim he thinks he still has a place in her heart.

  101. Yeah Dong Min thinks that every woman on earth is in love with him.

  102. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, I went back to listen to the music you mentioned. Yes the traditional sounds went with the hug and spoke of romance.

  103. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @FF, Dong Min’s only excuse is that he gets a lot of female attention, like at the hospital. But he really goes overboard with his narcissism.

  104. The jerk and the bitch of the drama could do a nice couple.
    I don’t remember what follow, but maybe we’ll get a side love story with them?

  105. i am only half way through!

  106. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE I recall the jerk getting back together with HJ for a while when she forgot BD. Can’t recall the circumstances. Don’t recall a 2nd lead pairing, but those 2 2nd leads deserve each other.

  107. @WE, Ms. Yoo In-Na was one of my crushes when I started watching K-Dramas a decade ago πŸ˜‰

    She is taking advantage of him and he doesn’t complaint πŸ˜€ . As far as I remember both actors became a couple after shooting this Drama.

  108. @MM, no worries. I am rewatching again. You can still post your comments here. We do check back for comments.

  109. @GB. when you mentioned the traditional sounds I went back and listened to it too. It sounds like the long flat stringed instrument that the courtesans play. I like the way the instrument is combined with a piano and then gradually turns to a full orchestration as the scene switches back to a conversation.

  110. @FGB, Yeah, same, exactly same for me. And I learned they were dating IRL.
    So, I mentionned the deleted scene they made. A bit too hot. But watched it on YT.

  111. They did become a couple.
    And there is a bitter sweet quality to this. Drama knowing that the real life couple broke up a few years later.

  112. Finally got used to the split images and now I like it too,@WE. It is to convey that everything is happening at the same pace in different eras. If Bong-Doo has been trapped for say seven hours in the shower, then his servant has spent seven hours waiting for him… and dozing off πŸ˜‰

  113. Particularly notable when she is waiting for him in the car by the phone booth. And he is racing on his horse.

  114. @FGB. Time travel rule. The time spend in a era is the same before returning.
    SJJ used that too in Nine Time Travel. But with additional time about repercussions. What make a complicated time travel logic. Younger I made a lot of outlines with time travel, and found out it was the most complicated to do.
    If you want something more complicated, watch “Primers” movie.

  115. Pansoori music then plays when she gets a phone. CAll in the scene where she is waiting in the car. Foreshadowing the ending? How she does not think he will show up and he does. It is a sweet scene when he shows up. Preceding the painful scenes when he does not or when he disappears later on

  116. @Monmor, it is what it is. I don’t remember where it came from, maybe from the Spanish Golden Century. A quote saying that stories should end in marriage or death, the forment since it conveys a happy ending and the later because it is the end of all stories (for that main character), but we that live both in time, in real life with all its convolutedness and in the world that exists independent of us, so we should strive to accommodate some imperfections and do our best to search for happines and meaning.

  117. @WE, never finished Nine Time Travel, maybe someday. It was very well written though πŸ˜‰ . Had some heartbreaking collateral effects to his travels.

  118. Guys, time to go out. Thanks for this great rewatch party, and see you soon. πŸ˜‰

  119. Noting how he says he would lose all track of time in a library like the one she takes him, to. To me, it is a comment on what it is like to be immersed in a book or a video Or this live chat.. The library itself looks like it must have had the same architectural model as the Reference library in my city.

  120. Bye @WE.

  121. Loved to share time with all of you!!! πŸ˜€ . Will continue a little longer as I am still where she picks him up in the nearby park.

    And no, dear @GB, it wasn’t me the one to relate the cellphone to the talisman πŸ™ , but wished I would πŸ˜€

  122. IT WAS ME!

  123. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, I think we spoke of rewatching Nine: Nine Times Travel actually… not this show. But this one has the best reception… so many of us want to rewatch it together.

  124. I noted how the talisman and the phone are exchanged When she faints in the forest. Also this was what led to them meeting again

  125. I would definitely be on board for a nine times nine re watch

  126. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Bye Everyone, thanks for a great rewatch!

    Ah great @MM, thanks for pointing out so many little Easter Eggs.

  127. Loved it @Monmor, at the end of the day both paper and (properly enjoyed) electronics could be supports for culture.

    Also loved how Bong-Doo knocked Hee-Jin down a peg or two.

  128. I think I am getting the hang of watching the show, reading the comments, and posting my own. I did watch the show yesterday and that certainly helped. I really appreciate having this opportunity With this group to enjoy dramas even more.

  129. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @MM, glad you can join us. Yes, we’ll ask around to next rewatch “Nine: Nine Time Travel” and see if we have more takers.

  130. After the female lead leaves the elevator after the kiss, his facial expression says it all- From skepticism to bemusement to wonder and then happiness. Why oh why did he not make very many k dramas?

  131. Bong-Doo is not a player, Hee-Jin is πŸ˜‰

  132. @WE, do not ship the jerk and the b*tch together. Make a better world… XD XD XD XD XD XD

  133. When BD Is looking around The palace Courtyard in the Present day He refers to a marker that. Has to do with himself that is still there. I did not understand that. Did anyone Catch that?

  134. Dear @Monmor, MY GUESS is that Bong-Doo has seen oh so many different marvels in this new world that he must steel himself to deal with the changes he will encounter so far. He goes through the familiar: Palace’s Main Hall, its Annals, the places he is familiar and that doesn’t show much change except maybe for being now empty.

    Then he knows that he must face Hanyang and what it has become. He goes for the main Palace gates and is greeted by modern-day Seoul. He closes his eyes for a moment to his familiar Hanyang, then open them again to be stubbornly greeted by the modern city.

    That vision must have been terrifying yet he had to confront change. Usually you need the familiar to go to the deep end to the unfamiliar for Change is the bridge between them. Not an easy transit πŸ˜‰

  135. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @Mommor you mean Episode 3?
    He was walking around the empty palace, naming all the Residences of King and Queen and wondered if his position was still there? He looked at the low pillars naming the positions of officials I think. When the people stood in the courtyard for meetings with King etc, they probably had places according to rank or office marked for them so that they would know where to stand. That’s my guess, anyway.

    BD walked around wondering how much time had passed. He saw the modern city outside the palace and like @FGB said, had to re-orientate himself.

  136. Yes that is what I was referring to.TY

  137. Any sufficiently advanced
    technology is indistinguishable
    from magic.
    – Arthur C. Clark

    I saw this quote posted somewhere perhaps in one of our threads. It speaks to the connection between the cell phone and the tallisman.

    Another foreshadowing I noticed in this show. When she loses her phone down the street grates there is an image of the bars similar to prison cell bars.

  138. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @monmor, you seem to have a good memory and be paying close attention to the show and the threads!

    It was a quotation that @FGB and I were quoting with regard to this show a couple of episodes ago.

    Yes, in Episode 1, HJ was shouting into her phone that had fallen into the drain. What do you reckon the foreshadowing might be of? Of HJ trapped in her role or time or …? Or might it be the phone through which the Director was speaking? Might it be the thing behind bars? Perhaps it represents her prized job, her link to BD that is out of reach?

  139. Spoiler not sure if I need to post this here or not as a spoiler.. I was associating it with the ending- How the phone becomes the means by which he can time travel out of jail. That part left me in such disbelief the first time I watched the show.

  140. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @Monmor Yes that is a spoiler.

    We label it repeatedly like …




    So that readers can avoid reading beyond the first line to avoid the spoiler. πŸ™‚

  141. I was not sure if I needed to post spoiler because this is a rewatch but I can imagine some people may not remember The latter parts of the show. I would not if I had not just Finished the whole show again.

  142. @monmor, are you the kind who starts a drama and you won’t stop until you finished all the episodes?

  143. yes I do keep clicking. I have to choose carefully what I will watch at bedtime so I can get to sleep at a reasonable hour.

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