My Demon: Ep 5 A Quick Note on the Killer

I already wrote about this on the Eps 5 & 6 Open Thread but let me put it out here so it’s easy to find for future viewers of this kdrama.

Don’t be fooled now. 

As of Ep 5, these are what we know about the Killer.

“Abraxas” is his alias.
He hired the Eczema Neck Man to kill DoHee.
He killed Madam Ju by swapping her pills.
He wears the leather jacket and leather gloves.
He’s blood-related to Madam Ju.

He had approached Madam Ju, most likely to ask for clemency. But Madam Ju gave him no quarter. Just like with her eldest son, she had no mercy, pity, or favor to offer any “sinful” family member.

Madam Ju: You killed someone on top of all your dirty tricks? You’ll have to pay for what you’ve done.

Only after “Abraxas” left, did Madam Ju show her disappointment. She closed her eyes and raised a closed fist to her forehead as if she had a headache.

Madam Ju: (sighing) I knew it. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

Her reaction told me that that she wasn’t expecting him to be a “bad” apple, and that up until then, she had a (relatively) good opinion of him. To me, her reaction ruled out her eldest son, SukMin, because for one, she knew her son’s track record very well. She shouldn’t have been surprised that he killed someone as he already did it once before.

For another, SukMin would have to be insane to go ask her for help, given that 12 years ago, she had him thrown to jail for DUI manslaughter. It’s an old adage that stupidity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result. Well, SukMin doesn’t strike me as stupid to plead for help from his mom again.

With SukMin dismissed from the list of possible Killer or “Abraxas,” we’re left with two male suspects:

a. Madam Ju’s grandson and Sukmin’s son, Noh DoGyeong
b. Madam Ju’s nephew, SeokHoon. His father is the younger brother of Madam Ju. SeokHoon’s parents were supposedly living like hippies in Peru.

The general opinion is that DoGyeong is the man behind Madam Ju’s death and DoHee’s failed assassinations.


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In my Episode 4 writeup, I said that DoGyeong was my “first” bet because of his sociopathic tendencies. He’s antisocial, cruel to the butterfly, defiant, hostile to authority, aggressive, and so on.

However, SeokHoon is my final bet because he’s a psychopath. He raised my suspicion when he asked DoHee about the elephant tranquilizer. There was no way he could have heard her comment unless he bugged DoHee’s apartment. Additionally, after DoHee told SeokHoon in confidence that she could only rely on GuWon to save her from her death threats, GuWon himself was targeted. His cultural foundation and employment as DoHee’s bodyguard were disclosed to the thugs.

I also said that the title of Episode 4 “Sweet But Dangerous” was referring to him (at least, one of the sweet but dangerous characters). He was outwardly sweet with DoHee in order to disguise his dangerous and cold-blooded intentions for her. In kdrama, that’s how a psychopath is usually depicted. He pretends to care for others and fakes a normal life to hide his criminal mind.

Episode 5 only solidifies my opinion about him.

DoGyeong is NOT “Abraxas” the Killer. As soon as he beat up his psychiatrist in the bathroom, he’s ruled out as “Abraxas.”

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Because he kills in rage.

He killed his psychiatrist in a cold, but impulsive act. He “snapped” after hearing his doctor call him “lunatic.”

He was already annoyed with him because he wasn’t paying attention.

Doctor: (looking down at his notes) You seem to be responding well to the medication, but let’s keep monitoring your progress. Nothing out of the ordinary, right?
DG: (getting a text) It’s not a big deal, but I killed a person.
Doctor: (still reading his notes) I see.
DG: (waiting for his response)
Doctor: What?
DG: Just checking if you’re listening.

When DoGyeong stood up to leave, the doctor muttered, “Lunatic” behind his back.

DoGyeong’s rage and resentment must have been simmering within him the whole time. However, the doctor’s slur caused his emotions to boil over. He exploded. He waited till the doctor was in the restroom and he beat him to death (or near to it, we don’t know yet).

His actions indicated that he wasn’t stable. He lacked self-control. Above all, he wasn’t methodical. He didn’t think that his bloodied shirt was incriminating evidence. He didn’t change out of it or discard it.

If the doctor died from the injuries DoGyeong inflicted on him, then DoGyeong is definitely a killer. But he isn’t “Abraxas” whom DoHee is looking for. He isn’t the Man in Leather Gloves.

Abraxas is SeokHoon.

Don’t be fooled by that Kopiko scene. Lol. Just because he had a scene with product placement doesn’t mean he’s a good guy.

Note these:

1. Abraxas, aka Mr. Leather Gloves, is very meticulous.

He doesn’t want to be associated with the death of DoHee, so he hires somebody else to kill DoHee for him.

Abraxas hired Eczema Neck Man. Eczema Man isn’t just a random guy. Based on the photographs on the wall, he’s a professional assassin.

And Abraxas hired him to do just one job: kill DoHee.

2. Abraxas covers up his tracks.

He uses an alias.

He wouldn’t be dumb (like DoGyeong) to wear a blood-splattered shirt after all the care and trouble he takes to hide his identity.

He wears a leather jacket and his leather gloves. No fingerprint.

I doubt Eczema Man has even seen him. He communicates with Abraxas through a video game messenger. And they text via burner phones.

Abraxas has a dropbox (Locker #17) for the items he wants the Eczema Man to procure for him.

He had Eczema Man delete all the videos while the whole family was in the funeral.

Nothing can be traced back to him.

His operation required thorough and advanced premeditation so his identity would remain anonymous. He isn’t like DoGyeong who “snaps,” and gives in to violence and his fits of rage.

3. Abraxas prioritizes anonymity.

You must ask why.

It’s because SeokHoon can’t be linked to DoHee’s death.

He considers DoHee his only rival for the leadership of the Mirae Group. Just like DoHee decided to hire GuWon as her bodyguard because he was the ONLY ONE who could keep her safe better than anyone else, he decided that DoHee is his real enemy because she’s the ONLY ONE who can keep him away from his goal of owning Mirae better than anyone else. All the others have obvious flaws.

DoHee must be eliminated, but SeokHoon cannot be associated with her death because his endgoal is Mirae Group’s leadership. Obviously, he can’t ascend to its throne as chairman under a cloud of suspicion.

It’s to his advantage to be seen as the only “stable” one — and the only one who didn’t wish her death — in the Mirae Group.

4. Final note on the last names

Neither Sukmin nor his son DoGyeong carry their mother’s surname. Their last name isn’t “Ju” but “Noh” which sounds like “no” in English. Seokhoon is the ONLY “Ju” in the group because his father is Madam Ju’s brother. When you think about this, he’s a “Ju-Nim,” too.

Lol. That’s how he probably came up with that name, “Abraxas.” Oh, the conceit of this man!

Remember? I told you all about this in My First Impression. I wrote:

DoHee saved Madame Ju on her smartphone as “Ju-Nim” which sounds like god or “Lord” in Korean. It makes sense then that the ringtone for Madame Ju on her smartphone is Handel’s “Hallelujah.” She also calls Madame Ju “Ju-yeosa” which I think is a wordplay on “Oh! Chief Maestro.” Given Madam Ju’s name, I wouldn’t be surprised if she masterminded the deaths of DoHee’s parents.

With Madam Ju’s death, SeokHoon has taken up the mantle of being the chief architect of DoHee’s fate and – if plans go his way – her death.

15 Comments On “My Demon: Ep 5 A Quick Note on the Killer”

  1. @Packmule3,

    I have read what you have written about the Killer and I agree with you.

    Seok Hoon is the only one missing from all the family’s get together. He was absent when the Police came to inform them about the assassination of Mrs. Ju. He was also absent when Do Hee informed the others about her wedding.

    Also, the assassin couldn’t enter her apartment block without inside knowledge. Someone ought to have given him the password to enter the building. The assassin first broke the elevator and then he went upstairs where he broke the lock in order to enter Do Do Hee’s house.

    So, in Episode 6 we get to see a Red Herring of shorts. Do Gyeong was being played by someone to take the fall!

  2. Thank you for this analysis. I was fooled a little by the Kopiko placement 🙈

    Can I just mention that whoever is the killer, is not “just” a killer but rather of a very sick and sadistic mentality? He could have just arranged for DH to be shot / thrown off the ledge and feign it as a suicide. But no. He has to wait till she wakes up, is terrified and begging in order to kill her.

    Additionally, as you mentioned, he would be glad to take GW’s life as collateral damage as well.

  3. As soon as seokhoon showed up to the luncheon looking unkempt, my suspicions were raised. For someone so meticulous in accounts, his messy attire didn’t fit. Then at the end of episode 2, once he was alone, he looked at the necktie DH had tried to knot with contempt and like he wished it were a noose for her instead.

    DG has a skin condition on his arms, then there’s Mr eczema neck. Does SH wear loose clothes because he has a skin issue too? Probably not since he also wears his motorcycle leathers.

  4. Yes, I previously mentioned his attire in my Ep 4 Sweet But Dangerous write-up. I said he was trying too hard to come across as diligent, hardworking, trustworthy, and down-to-earth — unlike his cousins, Madam Ju’s children.

    He struck me as a brown-noser then.

    Seriously, I can’t stand colleagues and junior staff like that. I don’t care how busy or overworked you are. When you’re about to meet me — your boss — then I expect you to clean up, shave, look tidy, and so on. Why? Because if I can take time to look professional when I’m also busy and overworked like you, then why can’t you do the same? 🫤

    Also in Episode 2, after he met Madam Ju and DH in the greenhouse, and handed the financial report to Madam Ju, do you recall him slipping a small black rectangular item in his tote bag? I always wondered what that was.

    Ep 2’s title was “Everybody Has a Demon in His Heart.” In that montage at the end of the episode, all the secondary characters were shown: Star Jin, the grandson, the son, the daughter, Madam Ju, and SH.

    Star Jin was mulling over DoHee’s name in her dressing room before sword rehearsal.
    The Grandson was going to his doctor’s appt at the mental clinic.
    The Daughter was yelling DoHee’s name in the garage.
    The Son was field shooting.
    Madam Ju was praying the rosary while glancing at DoHee’s framed photo.
    And SH was contemplating the necktie that DH pretended to strangle him with in the car. And he looked contemptuous like you said. Definitely sinister.

    I don’t know how viewers could have forgotten that look. 😂😂

  5. I think it was his key fob —to hide he was lying about driving there so that they could leave together

    Was that a burn or skin condition on the grandson shown when he was at the mental clinic for his appointment. I wasn’t sure.

  6. Any ideas about where his parents really are? If he’s truly depraved, it’s possible he killed them also and is just pretending they are in South America. I found their not appearing at Madam Ju’s funeral suspicious since his dad was her brother (am I getting this right? If Madam Ju was almost 70, that would make him an older dad when he had his 30-something son).

  7. Ah! Thanks, @birdie007. I’ve never seen a key fob that big!!

    As for DG’s marks on his wrist, not sure if those are burnmarks or a skin condition or — scars from self-harming??? I’m sure we’ll be told sooner or later if they’re an important element in the story.

  8. A funny absurd thing: eczema killer use masks and change face, so we can’t recognize him… only… we always see his red neck. 🙂
    This looks like a plot-device, so just Koo Won can’t find him.

    I just ended ep5 and don’t know more, but yep, I guess Abraxas is Seok Hoon. I had this feeling since ep2 (or 3 don’t remember exactly) when he slip the radio-spying device in Do Hee bag.

  9. 😂 Yes, his eczema (or psoriasis? I’m not a doctor.) neck is a plot device, @WEnchanteur. It’s there so the female lead Do DoHee can identify him as her would-be killer.

    His masks are essential to his work. He probably worked before in theater or tv as a makeup artist. But now, he’s a hired assassin.

    But the masks are also a plot device. GuWon is unable to identify him and go to his location.

    Guwon’s teleporting/transporting skill is SIGHT-base, apparently. He needs to PICTURE in his mind WHO he wants to see or WHERE he wants to go.

    Spoiler for Ep 6…

    I THINK (just a theory here) that’s why he couldn’t transport out of the photo booth. His eyes were temporarily blinded by the flash when the camera activated. 🙂

  10. @Pm3, I ended ep8 and can answer:
    Yes, anyway, it needs some explanation, even a light one, because obviously a suspense scene in a photo-booth + an additional kiss have to happen !!
    When going into this kind of station, we can find various elements, waiting room, automatic photo booth, etc. So, using one with a good potential is the idea.

    I think when the writer get this idea, she can even change a bit her set of rules, as long as it doesn’t have too much impact on something else planned or create a too difficult to solve plot-hole. A good scene can change some set-up. I often think like that because there is linear creation and reverse time one. Because something is very good, then, make the conditions for that to happens. And ofc, I’m very ok with this kind of process.

    He already got a bit too much various super-powers, so some limits to teleportation is at least a minimum. It’s the problem with supernatural people in kdrama, they are not specialised like american super-heroes. They really do everything at once. 😉

  11. @Pm3, oh well see!! There is a connexion. It’s true Gu Won is quite cruel too.
    But it’s a classic: to get an antagonist, make him like the heroes, but change the deep motivation, so they are ennemies.
    Yes he’s in an abandonned theater, with masks.
    I noticed a funny detail: when he gets something to eat in the fridge: there is a corpse in the fridge. Gruelling.

    Since last scenes of ep3, the drama is better. At least I enjoy enough the watching.
    I’m sorry it coïncide with Mrs Ju death.
    But her death made the drama better, with many antagonists revealing.

    Maybe I inverted my two comments on this thread and the other?!

  12. Yes, the Eczema Man is … to use @GB’s description, too “extra.” He’s more like a caricature of a villain than an actual criminal character.

    When I observe the other bad characters, like SuAhn, Madam Ju’s daughter, and DoGyeong, Madam Ju’s grandson, they’re also so over-the-top, dramatic, and badly written. They’re a “plot device character” to me. They exist to move the story along and push the main characters from strength to strength. Kinda like the crazy mother-in-law or crazy ex-girlfriend in kdramas.

    But I don’t think this screenwriter was doing a psychological thriller, anyway.

  13. Yeah. But you noticed that: I don’t have a lot of grief about characters or tropes. I’m quite ok with overthetop characters, plot-devices, or many things like that. My main problem when watching is quite always the same: it’s when it’s boring or too slapstick. But of course, we could say it’s boring because… (then make a list of points).

  14. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @pkml3 I happened to catch my handle! LOL you recall what I said about the villain who is forever scratching his neck (so that viewers know he’s the bad guy, since his face keeps changing). Yes what an extra and a ‘too much’.

    Generally, the characters that popped up for no apparent reason, the scenes that were supposed to be comedic, my inability to tie in bits and pieces lost the show for me. Something about its execution gave me the feeling that it lacked respect for its viewers. Perhaps show has become more holistic and coherent by now, but it had to convince me early enough. I feel that if something about it had been more charming, I might still have stayed on.

    Nevertheless, it’s good to see so many chiming in over this show. Enjoy yourselves, you who are watching!

  15. @GB, I know this feeling of disliking because the start wasn’t good enough.
    I’ve got that with “Moving”, about people with superpowers. Six first episodes were so slow and boring. It’s difficult to come back after that. The more disapointing it is, the more difficult.

    I can’t judge the writer sincerity and if it lacks respect. Writing a kdrama is a heavy work. So I think writers always have a part of sincerity. But of course, it’s also a drama created to enteirtain, so the writer use (and abuse?) some flashy scenes that will be a hit. Like the scene on the balcony and elegant pose when saving the girl, or tango scene, or many other things like that. Well, writer Kim Eun Sook is an expert about that too. 🙂

    It sounds very “hey, I need something that pop-up like a big romantic thing”, with cheese. I know because I do that too sometimes. But I’m still sincere, I look for what fit the story. Or even, the idea comes when I don’t even know how I get here.

    I remember I had a kiss scene. Could be simple one. But I wanted something that hit hard about visuals. So I choose what is very thematic to the character. And when I ended rewriting that, I was “wow!! this is really the thing you’d dream to see in a kdrama”.

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