I’m posting his comments here so it’s easier for me to reply. @FGB4877 CS’ calm, collected manner could be seen as “manly” and “cool” in another character, but unlike other stoic “manly” characters, from the start (even in the first scene when he’s a kid) he is kind, patient, and loyal. And not like he […]
Hotel del Luna: Ep 14 Highlights
Before I start with my highlights, I’ll post an excerpt of @growing_beautifully’s rants in the comment section because I agree with her. Testing Man Wol And Ma Go 1 takes the cake for being hypocritically benevolent on the one side but unconscionably indifferent and even evil on another. She deliberately planted ideas that could be […]
Hotel del Luna: What Would Bitches Do?
In the 1990s, there was a popular catchphrase, “What would Jesus Do?” (or WWJD) which I’ll adapt for this blog as “What would Bitches do?” We try to keep it real in this blog. Almost all other forums will swoon over Capt. Firefly and none of the posters will venture to say anything against him […]
Hotel del Luna: Ep 14 Post Spoilers Here
Please post your spoilers, rants, raves, and insights here. Thanks. Let’s enjoy the show! My life on the beach, as a bitch. Carefree cartwheels. I’ll have to slurp down more oysters (they’re aphrodisiacs, lol) tonight just to feeeelllll amorous for this new and improved, and rehabbed Captain.
Hotel del Luna: Ep 13 Post Spoilers Here
Please post your spoilers, rants and raves here. Let’s enjoy the show. The beach. It’s a perfect day for cartwheels. I went for my run early to avoid that mommy with the stroller. She made me feel geriatric. lol.
Hotel del Luna: Episode 12 Highlights
Episode 12 wouldn’t be complete without my highlights. 1. MaGo4’s encounter with Manwol Most people find her harsh but I like her. I don’t put up with nonsense and I’d rather tell Manwol that she’s an ass to her face so she’d shape up than sugarcoat the terrible truth about her death. The other MaGos […]
Hotel del Luna: Ep 12 On Schrodinger’s Firefly pt 2
As a follow up to the Schrodinger’s Firefly post, I think we also should be open to the possibility that Chansung is the Captain reincarnated. For a few of reasons. 1. No touch. It’s dawned on me that Manwol never actually touched the Captain. Unlike the Blind Woman who fixated on the Baker’s touch, and […]
Hotel del Luna: Ep 12 On Lifelines
I’m posting @growing_beautifully’s comments here. Reason for Dying Besides the grief and letting go theme, another theme for this episode is choosing to die. Malevolent Seol Jin Woo chose to die out of spite, to curse CS and bring a host of curses upon him in the process. The doctor’s son chose death when he […]
Hotel del Luna: Ep 12 The Hairpin
@flying_tool commented: Yeonwoo: “You should live as a traitor, then Manwol can live.” I thought this was the Captain talking to himself because YW saying it doesn’t make sense to me. If YW said it to the Captain, when/why/where did he say it? If after the raid, the betrayal has already taken place, and the […]
Hotel del Luna: Ep 12 Schrodinger’s Firefly
Be honest now. You’d be bored silly if I think like other bloggers and recappers. You’re here for a different perspective, my bitchiness and Schrodinger’s firefly. @flying_tool wrote: Some heavy hinting at how Schrödinger‘s firefly will be resolved. Heavy handed pointing at the Captain being the firefly. But there is a sentence by Mago 1: […]
Hotel del Luna: Ep 12 Post Spoilers Here
Please post your spoilers and comments for Episode 12 here so they’re easier to access. Thanks! My lunch today: lobster roll. No mayo and no butter. Just lobster meat on bread. My kids had the fries and coleslaw. I had to eat well for lunch because dinner was your typical boardwalk fare: hotdogs, funnel […]
Hotel del Luna: Ep 11 Put Spoilers Here
Please put your spoilers, rants and raves here. Thanks. We’re heading to the beach again this weekend. This time to get in touch with my inner lobster and to feast on crabs. My sons and their girlfriends are joining us so I’m excited. I recently bought a mahjong set which I’d like to play with […]
Hotel del Luna: On Ariadne’s Ball of Thread
@barbrey’s been enlightening here about the connections between Greco-Roman mythology and this Hong sisters’ kdrama. Now, I don’t know how many of you, bitches and lurkers, dismiss her posts because ~~ ooooh, it’s not “canon” and it’s largely interpretative ~~ but I, for one, think that great screenwriters gather inspiration from many sources, and great […]
Hotel del Luna: Ep 10 @GB’s Thoughts on Attire
I’ll respond to your comment here, @growing_beautifully. Thoughts on Attire Back to this show over here and the mystery of the missing button from CS’s cuff. CS did not realise his suit was incomplete. MW had pulled so hard on his sleeve that the button had gotten loose (it looked like all 4 buttons […]