Although I don’t blog about variety shows, this episode (and the one with Chun MyungJun #52) deserve a special mention because it’s a nice follow-up to 100 Days My Prince. I recommended earlier that @nrllee watch it. I wrote, “You should watch it! Hurry! Then tell me what you think of Kyungsoo Do. Notwithstanding his […]
100 Days My Prince: Ep 16 Comments Here
On my way home from Reagan National Airport. Will start watching Episodes 15 and 16 tonight after the Halloween. One of my favorite scenes. Initially, I thought this scene was silly considering that there was a drought in the country. Also, the director over-saturated it with green that even the white of HongShim’s eyes looked green. […]
100 Days My Prince: Ep 15 Spoilers Here
I’m away today but please put your spoilers here. And the rantings and ravings. I thought this scene was great. I must give the cinematographer credit. No matter how frustrated I was with the writer of this kdrama, I’ve always been impressed with the cinematographer’s choice of scenes, lighting, angles and colors. This picture, for […]
100 Days My Prince: Plotholes
Feel free to list the plotholes that you’ve noticed. Here are some of the inconsistencies and loose ends that I’ve noticed. 1. from goyangi: JeYoon recognizing the thugs in the market place despite his prosopagnasia. 2. What happened 10 years ago? (Or is this an incorrect translation again?) From Episode 1. HongShim was about to go […]
100 Days My Prince: MY as Father, Pros and Cons
To many, it’s a foregone conclusion that MooYoung is the baby’s father. After watching Episode 14, I see why. However, I can also understand why the Anybody-but-MooYoon camp insists that it’s not over yet. I see their side of the story, too. So what I’m going to do now is go over the conversations among […]
100 Days My Prince: Pt 2, Episode 14
To continue. 8. The sword I liked how the camera shifted focus from foreground to background to remind the viewers of the pending doom. The sword obviously prefigured the bloody sword that WonDeuk would be pointing his bloody sword at HongShim. We all remember the shaman’s words but I’ll post them again. I wonder if it’s […]
100 Days My Prince: Episode 14
Only two more episodes!! I feel like I’m running a marathon here. 1. HongShim’s real reason for staying in Hanyang, part 2 It’s funny how reversals in this kdrama can happen in a span of 30 minutes. Last episode, HongShim left her fake father in a huff and now she was returning home in a […]
100 Days My Prince: Who’s the REAL Palpoongi?
Oli and I were discussing whether HongShim knew who LeeYul was so I thought a follow-up might be in order. Advisory: this post has lots of pics. *********************** I’m a forgiving bitch. I can overlook a lot of the stupid things that this writer has done, like -confusing us about the fake father’s lies on […]
100 Days My Prince: The Troll’s Riddle
You’ve been trolled! I think there are two solutions here: the convoluted, preposterous answer concocted by the scriptwriter to troll the audience and the simplified version that I’m going to propose. The Troll’s Answer The first one is explained by goyangi. (Thanks, goyangi!) Her explanation follows the script. I’m going to paraphrase what she […]
100 Days My Prince: Episode 13 Long Version
I’m behind an episode but I must jot down my thoughts on this episode before continuing on. 1. Swoon-moment: the bundle of WonDeuk’s clothes Lol. In my previous post “On Lee Yul, Episode 12” I joked about burning WonDeuk’s clothes in one big bonfire, if I had been in HongShim’s shoes, just to show him […]
100 Days My Prince: Fan Service Again
Hey, you know I don’t monetize this blog, right? I’ve no ads here and this blog is for me and you. I’m not posting KyungSoo’s gifs here to attract more traffic. I’m doing it as a fan service (ha) to my friends, nrllee and oli, and the quiet ones. I happened to find them on […]
100 Days My Prince: Did YiSeo Recognize LeeYul?
Just as I was bugged by LeeYul’s willingness to close his eyes to visions of HongShim in Episode 12, I’m buggered that HongShim couldn’t see that WonDeuk was the child she met in the forest. LeeYul easily recognized her as that child YiSeo all grown-up after just spotting her once on the bridge, admiring a […]
100 Days My Prince: Episode 13 Quick Take
I only watched for two things in this Episode 13. I wanted to see that we had: 1) our proper closure at the beginning of the show, hahaha. It happened just as he envisioned! She disappeared from HIS sight…and he didn’t even have to close his eyes. Joking aside, I’m going to admit that I […]
100 Days My Prince: On Lee Yul, Ep 12
Part 4, last installment (I’ll have to reserve the poison post for some other time.) By now, my faithful eight followers and readers must be exhausted by all my posts. Tough, girls! Welcome to my obsessive blog! 12. Lee Yul Although this whole Episode 12 showed us Lee Yul’s adjustment to palace life, the few […]