The King: Updated: Questions and Answers, part 2

Updated: 6/5/2020

More questions from the lurkers. Sorry. I didn’t have time to go through the inbox.

1. From @ann

just realised something weird in ep13…TE says her pass was stolen by Luna..but in the scenes in the police station after she came back, she was wearing her pass!!!! Is it possible to reissue a pass so soon? I remember she had to wait weeks for the last reissuance….
Is it a oversight in the filming thats why she should not be wearing it??
If not…both TE and Luna has the pass.. ??

😊 When TaeEul said her pass was stolen by Luna, she meant that her MISSING pass ended up with Luna.

Remember? The pass that she left with Lady Noh was stolen. That was the replacement pass for the one that fell in the grate because the bicyclist kid/Fate bumped her.

That pass was stolen by SinJae’s mom/spy who then hid it in the book in the library for Lee Lim.

In Episode 8 at 1:29, TaeEul said in a voiceover, “Same faces, same ID card and parallel worlds, I should have known that day when I was wondering where my ID card went.”

In hindsight, TaeEul was probably berating herself, “Shucks! How could I have missed that? Same faces, same ID cards and parallel words. And Lee Lim is alive, and the two worlds are getting mixed up. Of course, the ID would have been with Lee Lim!! How could I have missed connecting that?”

So Lee Lim got a hold of TaeEul’s replacement ID because SingJae’s mom stole it from Lady Noh’s drawer. And Lee Lim gave it to Luna for Luna to use to pretend that she was TaeEul at the police precinct.

Meanwhile, TaeEul is using the 25-year-old ID that Lee Gon kept a long time ago.

2. From @V

Why did TE not tell LG that Luna is in Korea? She should have shared that info with him to keep him on guard.

There’s no need to tell Lee Gon that Luna is in Korea. That should be obvious for Lee Gon because TaeEul was abducted (remember?) because Lee Lim was switching people around. He already discovered what Lee Lim had been doing – switching people – when the bookstore owner was killed in the raid.

3. From Ari


Maybe. Maybe not.

But I hope NOT.  That would make Lady Noh really despicable. Why did she hide it all these years that her own son was trying to kill Lee Gon?

4. From Alice81

How the hell if LG adult is LG child savior? If LG child wasn’t be saved, how can he GROW UP? KES really makes me insane

It actually makes sense that Adult Lee Gon saved the Child Lee Gon. I said so from the very beginning. 🙂

First Impressions

I thought when Lee Gon “joked” about his deep-set eyes that it was a give-away or a hint from the writer. Same when Yeong brought him the wrong pair of shoes…

Anyway, here’s *my* theory on how the Child LG could have survived the very first encounter WITHOUT Adult LG coming to his rescue. Others can propose their own theories but that’s my take on things. 🙂

Lee Gon the First




I keep getting the same questions from lurkers so I’m posting the ones that *I believe* have already been answered here.

This is an ongoing list.

1. Did the scar move?

The King: The Incredible Moving Scar

2. Why is Lee Gon only the 3rd king?

Because the form of government switched from absolute monarchy to constitutional monarchy in the 1940s. He’s only the 3rd king since the change.

3. In Episode 5, did Shinjae cross path with TaeEul?

No, that’s artistic license or “creative imagery”.

Look at the shadows.

The shadows are in opposite directions. TaeEul is Corea and Shinjae is in Korea. This “creative” imagery is to show that TaeEul looked for her friend in Corea but didn’t find him there. Meanwhile, back home in Korea, Shinjae went to visit his neighborhood. They did NOT cross paths for real.

4. May I have the password for the “Red King’s Dream”?

No. Those posts have been locked because people (for one, like the plagiarist, Rosa Mae Aguilar of the FB group: “The King: Eternal Monarch”) violated my rules. They are password protected for now.

Ya Know Sigh GIF by The Late Show With Stephen Colbert - Find ...

5. Does TE actually time-travel? Or has she met versions LG in different timeline a couple of times?

As of Episode 12, there’s no clear evidence that TaeEul has time traveled. She does however know that LG time-traveled once. Please rewatch Episode 11 and listen to what she said. Thanks.

6. Does Lee Lim also time-travel?

Perhaps no. We haven’t seen him actually time-travel.

Perhaps yes. He owns several umbrellas. And the lower half of the flute seemed to be embedded in all these umbrellas. That, to me. suggests that he’d gone back to the 1994 multiple times. However, each time he went back, he failed to achieve his mission because he only returned with the lower half of the flute. We don’t know really.

Bottom line: we can theorize or speculate but certitude is elusive.

7. Who’s the savior?

For now, I’m assuming there’s one and only savior, Lee Gon. But why doesn’t his shooting skill match with the savior? He sucked at the arcade.

Three theories:

a. LG’s shooting skill at the arcade doesn’t match up with Savior’s shooting skill because  it’s part of the Red King’s Dream.

b. The other theory is that he practiced enough that when it came time for him to actually go back to 1994, he was already skilled at shooting.

c. LG could have been pretending to stink at shooting. lol.

We shall soon see, right?


This is an ongoing process. I’ll add more when I see the questions, and they’re matching answers. To keep this post de-cluttered, I’ve disabled comments. Thanks.