Bitchcraft: The Sacred and the Profane

On the use of profanity.

I allow profanity here. I’m not going to install cutesy filler words to replace cusswords. I’m going to assume that you, as classy-act and smart bitches, have made an informed decision why there’s merit to your use of swear words.

Frankly, I’d rather read a post that goes something like, “I’m a badass bitch from hell, so I don’t give a fuck” than read its sterilized version, “I’m a Richard Simmons Richard Simmons from hell, so I don’t give a Richard Simmons.

Like, who dafuq is Richard Simmons anyway?!! (No, don’t look this up. 😉 )

My request, however, is to have a reasonable and logical purpose in mind when you include profanity in your comments. Try avoiding gratuitous obscenity because a few lurkers may be impressionable young teens who think we’re cool (hahaha) and will emulate us. Let’s all refrain from being vulgar for vulgarity’s sake.

Too often, the art of being a bitch entails pissing off people with words so that they end up awake all night thinking of a comeback. But bitchcraft doesn’t require us elite bitches to turn smutty to kick ass. We know better.

My favorite profane bitch at the moment:

From Hwayugi (the Korean Odyssey). SunMi (actress: Oh Yeon Seo) was cursing at the driver to deliberately rile him up. A killer-demon was on top of the roof and his MO was to induce the driver to fall asleep at the wheel. Her chain-swearing was her “non-violent” way of killing off the demon. lol.