Jugglers: Episode 1, notes 1

Bitch notes.

I’m releasing my notes as-is as I don’t have much time to make these pretty.

Hopefully, they’ll make sense.

-edited to add: Still uncertain if CW is the Managing Director of In-House Video at this YB branch, but also the (missing, unheard of, silent) VP at the Seoul headquarters of YB. That “new” VP was installed two months ago but still hasn’t been seen and people are grumbling, according to Secretary Yoo. I’ve to wait-and-see.


1. YY and CW are a match. They have a superhero complex.

YY sees herself as a juggler: she likes being the super-efficient assistant who’ll come to the rescue her boss anywhere and anytime, something happens to him.

CW sees himself as a superhero: he’s the modern day version of crimefighter. He uncovers corruption. He’s a lone wolf.

2. It’s funny that he dislikes “moles” (meaning a personal assistant) when he acts like a mole himself.

He infiltrates the YB organization to “clean house” and rids it off crooked people. I think he’s been hired by the CEO himself to do the job but he’s a reluctant employee and unwilling party to this. The VP had set CW up — as condition to his consent/approval of CW’s divorce from his daughter.

Take note that the CEO delayed his departure to WAIT for CW’s arrival. Yet CW was late. The VP also begged him to do the formal niceties i.e., give his reassurances to the CEO.

My impression: CW considers this undertaking as a favor to the CEO.

3. The weather. There are “deities” working in this romcom represented by the ginkgo tree. That day YY encountered CW, it was windy outside her house, like something was a-stirring. The wind was foretelling the couple’s first meeting.

CW’s car wipers conveniently malfunctioned as YY was crossing the road.

The rain is explained in Episode 3.

4. The mystery of the ramen. The reason the ramen supply diminished was because her brother was hiding out in the basement and subsisting on the ramen.

5. Her friend is a shaman’s daughter. She would be the one to write the “For Rent” flyer and to divine that they’re fated for each other.

6. Housing shortage: Right before she logged onto her Jugglers website, she was reading the news on the housing shortage crisis. This was foreshadowing again.

7. Her ex-boss had a “tail” on her to spy on her. He was the one who ordered her followed. Why? Because he was being cautious. He said so himself.

She knew too much of his devious ways. Her monologue:

“No boss can be a superhero to his personal assistant. Even if he is skilled and trying to be the chief secretary, if you look at him from upclose, he’s just a cheating middle aged man. We end up seeing the bare truth about our boss that we don’t like to see.”

Not only did he have her tailed…but I think he has an informant.

8. Bora acts suspicious. She’s always texting (reporting on YY?). Is she double-dealing? An informant? Probably not working for her boss but somebody else. YY’s boss maybe? Is she giving YY’s boss reports on YY’s loyalty to him?

Did she hook up with YY’s boss? I wouldn’t be surprised if that man was cheating on the mistress with Bora.

She’s the mole. Because how did she know that YY wouldn’t be going to Seoul? She isn’t the shaman’s daughter, lol. She said she wouldn’t be celebrating YY’s promotion to Seoul because it ain’t happening.

But there’s a reason to her double-dealing: her deaf father.

9. Comic book quotations. These are themes.

ChiWon jotted these down in the comic bookstore:

a. Voluntary change is what makes humans powerful –from One Punch Man
b. You can’t reach paradise by running away –from Berserk
c.. There is no evil person. It’s just that people think differently –from Ruler of the Land

They’re actually themes of the romcom. Like this:

a.. He has this trauma (i.e., fears fire) and he has to overcome it.

That’s also why he’s taken up boxing. As self-improvement. I think, as a kid, he was probably a nerdy type, not the athletic kid. This would explain why he couldn’t even take down/beat YY’s younger brother, considering he’s been boxing before. lol.

Voluntary change = self-improvement

He also tells YY to self-improve instead of being nosy. hahaha.

b. He couldn’t run away from the past so he decided to confront it by going back to live in that “Haunted House” which belongs to YoonYi.

And sure enough, he’s found his paradise there — with her. Thanks to the ginkgo tree. Lol. What a matchmaker.

c. There is no evil person ~~ Not sure about this yet. But I believe CW is a mole. He said as much to one of the bad directors. He’s out to change the YB organization from the inside.

But I’m not sure if CW personally feels that evil can be justified, or rationalized — because that’s what that particular quote is implying, that there is NO such thing as an evil person. There’s only a (desperate, misunderstood or misguided) person who is rationalizing that his wicked actions are justified because his ends, his goals are noble.

Evil person = think different.

This is Bora’s excuse of course. If ever she is the informant, then she isn’t “really” evil because she was doing everything for her deaf father. Her plight made her a sympathetic figure.  Shades of gray and all…

10. “Not my style.” Yes, she is!

This is a defense mechanism. He’s projecting. 

He also protests too much. Lol. He kept on mentioning her sub-par looks in the next episodes.

Like she wasn’t Kim Tae Hee kind of beautiful so the “For Rent” flyer was misleading/false ad. And that she wasn’t a “femme fatale” so why would ChangSoo chase her.

He’s in denial that he finds her distractingly, annoyingly cute. Or why would he retrieve her shoes (like Prince Charming)?

He isn’t on the rebound. He was the one who asked for divorce.

11. His personality trait: always tries to have last word in with YY, turning tables on her

Like calling her out for her fake sympathy at the funeral. But he has a point. If she demanded sincerity from him when expressing concern for her injury, then she herself failed to live up to her “sincerity rules” by faking her tears.

He changed though after falling in love with her.

12. What’s up with that trash can basketball toss? So rude and unnecessary. To show that he was disgusted with her.

13. He’s also naive? Poor judge of character? Bec he gave his real estate to wife as alimony thinking she’d refuse.

How come he wasn’t aware of housing prices? If he’s a journalist, shouldn’t this be something he’d be aware of, considering it’s current events? 

14. Prince Charming to her Cinderella. He wanted her to wear flats, though.