Hwayugi: The Reincarnation Trope BS

Every time I see the reincarnation trope in kdramas, I sigh and think, oh no! Not this shit again. 

In Hwayugi, I tried to restrain myself from exposing what an utter cock-and-bull story this reincarnation is, for the sake of peace. But I’m finally calling BS on this episode 13. Remember what I said in my welcoming remarks here: this blog will have all the drama, but none of the bullshit. Well… prepare for the shit to hit the fan then.

That Mawang is a major producer of bovine excrement is a foregone conclusion. We knew that from the start when he tasked young SunMi to retrieve a fan in OhGong’s prison walls.

But to me, the supreme shit-makers are the gods who thought reincarnation was a brilliant idea for Mawang’s wife, Princess Iron Fan. Here are my reasons:

First, the gods are punishing a human individual who has NO knowledge of why she’s being punished with her miserable fate. That’s cruel and unusual punishment.

Unlike Mawang and OhGong, who are atoning for a misdeed that they clearly remembered committing, Na Chal-nyeo (nee Princess Iron Fan) has absolutely no idea what’s going on. She has NO memory of her past sins so, in each lifetime that her child gets murdered, she’s acting on her motherly instincts and wrath to avenge her child’s death. She cannot correct her ways because of her memory loss.

Don’t you see how sadistic the gods are? Give her her memory so at least she knows what she’s doing wrong. pfffttt.

Second, not only are the gods cruel, they’re also insane. As a wise man once said (was it Einstein or Benjamin Franklin?), “Insanity is doing something over and over again and expecting a different result each time.”

The gods expect Na Chal-nyeo to go through the rebirth-death cycle 200 times – but what’s their point? The outcome will always be the same because she doesn’t know that she’s doing something wrong. Even if she discovers at the last second before her death, that revenge is wrong, her reincarnation will wipe out that memory, and she’ll start from scratch all over again. Smart move there, ye gods! 

To use an analogy, the gods are behaving like a mother leaving an unattended plate of cookies on a table before dinner time. Can she really blame her child for eating them? And if she smacks her child so hard that he gets amnesia, and then she once more leaves another plate of cookies, is it right to punish the child for eating the cookies AGAIN? The mother is being UNREASONABLE in her expectations…like the gods.

Third, Princess Iron Fan’s punishment has no restorative value. Her soul doesn’t get cleansed despite being on an eternal loop because she’s “bound” or fated to repeat the same mistake. She isn’t atoning for her crime because she’s ignorant that she’s done something wrong. She just keeps on dying miserably without improvement and without restitution. Her 108 reincarnations are just one big exercise in futility.

Her reincarnation is merely a “retributive justice,” meaning the primary emphasis is on payback.  An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. As a deity, Princess Iron Fan stole souls of human children, therefore, as a human, she must suffer throughthe death of her child over and over again.  This retributive justice was the kind Mawang favored in Episode 11.

NOooo. Stop Mawang! Why do you think SunMi stopped OhGong from killing those men and avenging Buja’s injuries? 

That time, Mawang relished frightening that crooked man to jump into the elevator shaft. He wasn’t any different from the gods who punished PIF. He was just as merciless and vengeful. But that’s NOT the divine way of justice. Instead of this punitive form of reincarnation, it would have been better for Mawang and the gods to practice a reformative justice.

With reformative justice, the focus would have been on 1) reconciling Princess Iron Fan with her victims through atonement and good deeds and 2) restoring her back with the gods through rehabilitation. This would have been a wiser and humane punishment than the gods’ reincarnation bullshit. You correct the wrong thing she did, not by repeating the exact wrong things, but by stopping the cycle of violence and doing things right.

If you look at SunMi, revenge was never her solution to an injustice.

Edited to add this: And I know many viewers have complained that she was too goody two shoes when monsters like PK or Buja (in her zombie-ness) took advantage of her. They want her to pay back PK and Buja in their own coin. Lol. They don’t get it, do they?  She’s a monk, or at least has the blood of SamJang coursing in her veins. Remember what I wrote about the writings on the wall of the chapel where she and OhGong got married the second time? Love is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. She does all these because she’s innately a good person.

Fourth, what about Na Chal-nyeo’s son??  Her reincarnation is unfair and illogical to her son.

If Na Cheol-nyeo is being punished because of her sin she committed as an adult, how is it FAIR that her son is also punished along with her and trapped in the same fate as hers? Did you get that? lol. As long as she’s trapped in this shitty reincarnation, then her son, too, is being murdered in each reincarnation. But why? He didn’t commit a sin as an infant, did he?

Fifth, this reincarnation stupidly blames the victim. Really! I get that Princess Iron Fan did a heinous crime, but her human reincarnation??? She was the victim. Her child was the one who was abducted and murdered.

But to the gods, her misfortune is seen as her just desserts, as nothing more as a consequence of sins in the past. They didn’t understand her mother’s pain. She felt powerless that’s why instead of resolving her grievances with the penal system in a legal way, she resorted to administering her own brand of justice to her child’s murderer.

This happened too in the earlier episode when she and Mawang encountered each other during the Japanese occupation. There was a keen sense of injustice back then as well, and she felt she had no other recourse but to take the law into her own hands. What did the gods want her to do? Passively accept her unjust fate? Pfffttt.

Sixth, reincarnation made Mawang’s love for the Princess Iron Fan tragic. The reincarnated PIF is no longer the same PIF of his memories. Remember, with each rebirth, she loses her past and become an entirely new human being. If she has no connection to her past multiple lives, then how can she have a connection to HIS original past love? This reincarnated person is different from the real Princess Iron Fan, as much as the two-dimensional painting of PIF is different from a breathing PIF. The character, personality, thoughts, actions and feelings of the original PIF made her who she was. The reincarnated person is no longer her.

In many ways, I regard Mawang’s love for PIF as the love between spouses when one of them is afflicted with Alzheimer’s disease. Although the beloved is a new person with no recollection of who the lover is (in this case, Mawang), his love and dedication show that true love never fades away. Caring for somebody with Alzheimer’s, like caring for PIF, is part of the “in sickness and in health…till death do us part” kind of love.

I think it’s very interesting that in this Episode 13, when OhGong and SunMi are contemplating getting married again for the third time, Mawang is demonstrating that an actual wedding ceremony isn’t needed to attest to love.

Seventh, I don’t think the Hong sisters believe in this reincarnation shit either, judging by the anti-climactic way that they ended Princess Iron Fan’s punishment. All it needed was OhGong going up to that chubby God Representative and demanding that the gods put an end to it or he’d create a big stink. The Hong sisters even made a COSMIC joke out of it.  All those remaining 99 lifetimes were simply divvied up like that?! With 88 laser strikes for Mawang, 10 for OhGong and 1 for the God Representative. What the heck?? I was expecting Lord Sidious’ lightning bolts.

Image result for lord sidious gif

Last, I personally reject reincarnation. Reincarnation reinforces the idea that fate has absolute control over one’s life, and that one’s individual decisions don’t matter because it’s the shady gods who’ll decide when one is finished with reincarnating. 🙄Just look at Princess Iron Fan. She loses her child because it’s her fate; she avenges the death of her child because it’s her fate; then she gets killed herself because it’s fate. The cycle repeats itself because it’s her fate.

So really, who’s at fault here?😵

It’s no longer Princess Iron Fan’s fault but Fate. Fate is conspiring against her. Frankly, if it were up to me, and I were the Queen Bitch of the heavens, I’d put Fate on trial, and condemn it, like it condemned PIF, for coercion and entrapment. It would be funny to have Fate have a dose of its own karma.

Instead of fate, I believe in destiny, in making my own choices and being somebody else’s life choice. I don’t want to be somebody’s stinking soulmate. 💩 Soulmates are over-rated in kdramas and I know that the Hong sisters share my repugnance for this concept of soulmates. Do you remember what OhGong said before the backhug here? He said, he wouldn’t remove the GGG. It was his choice to wear it and to love her. He said, “It’s my free will.”

If you want to re-read what I said about fate and destiny, and being somebody’s CHOICE,  and not fated soulmate, here’s my post:

7 Comments On “Hwayugi: The Reincarnation Trope BS”

  1. MW’s wife was sentenced to a heavenly punishment where she would have suffered and done penance while remembering her heinous crime but she ran away and jumped into the mortal realm(shown in the early episodes, I’ve forgotten the exact episode). It angered the Gods and hence the reincarnation punishment where she will suffer without knowing why.

    I think its fitting and I am very upset that she got away with not even quarter of the punishment when the people who didn’t commit the crime suffered more than her. Mawang – 88 times and SOG – 10 times while she only suffered 9.

  2. The reincarnation of PIF reminds me of a story in Black Mirror. Called White Bear. In short, we followed the protagonist as she woke up and got chased and later tortured for reasons she didn’t know. On first impression, the viewer feared with her, just like in a zombie show. However, at the end of the show, we as viewers realised the whole thing was just a staged play. And the audience cheered at the ‘great’ play. Now here’s the thing – the actors were all playing a part. Except the protagonist who had really thought she was been chased and tortured.

    Then, the next morning, same thing started again. Apparently this was a punishment for the protagonist who was a child murderer. She had to live with that fear every single day. Her memory was erased and reset every day.

    So like PIF, she didn’t know why she had to go through that. The people just wanted to punish her for the wrong she did. The point was to get her to suffer what the child suffered. Not for repentance.

    From comments I read, many people felt it was sick that we as humans mete our own punishment to no end and the punishers were just as cruel as her.

    Anyway. Black mirror is really good. Really messes with our mind about the possibilities of what we humans can do wrong with technology and whatnots.

    Back to Hwayugi. Each time I watch now, I can really understand how Son Oh Gong can fall in love with Sun Mi. She’s really such a good person, even though she was almost shunned her whole life. And been dealt with a fate like that.

  3. Ooh. That’s a traumatizing but definitely thought-provoking show you just shared with us. Thank you.

    See? That’s exactly what I’m saying here. That whole cycle of rebirth-murder-revenge-death-punishment for ten thousand years is so repugnant to me. The fact that the “gods” themselves thought that this was all a JUST punishment made me question whether the “gods” were morally deficient themselves. In punishing her without any sense of temperance or mercy or compassion, they become monsters too.

    But as I was reading the comments yesterday in another site, none of the people mentioned anything wrong with it. They just accepted and tolerated it because the reincarnation trope was part of the plot. 😱😰😾 That was disturbing to me too. Uncritical acceptance of narratives and storylines merely because there’s romance involved is one reason why we have mass irrational hysteria in fandoms. Lol.

    Yes, SunMi is a good person. Remember how her uncle and cousin treated her like a garbage? He thought she was odd feeding her popcorn to the ghost. And that Mermaid episode? He thought she would take the side of the humans because she was a human, too.

    But no, she isn’t vindictive; but she wants what is right. I hope OhGong will learn from her. He destroyed that film world for her but I’m not so sure she’ll appreciate him destroying humanity for her sake.

  4. I think the just punishment for her crime is for her to REMEMBER her actions and to atone for them for 10000+ years with good works instead of this half-assed reincarnation “I-don’t-know-why-I’m-being-punished.” And dragging her innocent child along with her reincarnation-punishment is a no-no. SHE does the crime, SHE does the time.

    In human terms: Performing a lobotomy on a criminal (that’s what reincarnation did to her) so that she’ll forget her crime, and water-boarding her everyday for a week constitute cruel and unusual punishment. It injures not only the criminal, but does irreparable harm to the psyche or consciences of the wardens who’ll be tasked to do the punishment, the family members of the criminal, the survivors of the dead victims, and the whole rationale and ethical community. Hatred and violence have to stop somewhere.

    (That’s why even until now the Guantanamo detention center is such a thorny topic for us Americans. It was a breach in human rights and good people were unable to do enough to stop it.)

  5. I liked reading this and the comments. I found your blog 2 weeks ago and read all your stuff about Hwayugi.. Anyway
    Hwayugi keeps saying the Heavens are cruel so of course Princess Iron Fan’s punishment is just that – makes no other sense to have her go through that again and again without remembering it. But while watching that scene all I could think of is that 108 is a hell lot of reincarnations to go especially when it took her 1000 years to do 9. 10000 more years for the rest 99? I’m not sure humanity will last that long.

  6. Welcome to the blog, oli! You just reminded me that I have to talk about time and light years. Thanks. 👍

    If you don’t mind, I’ll mention this post in Bitch Talk.

    And you’ve been lurking and reading the posts here since two weeks ago?!!😱How come I feel nakedall of a sudden?! 😂 I hope I didn’t bore you with my comments. Feel free to share your thoughts here.

  7. sorry for taking so long to answer. I’m on vacation. Of course you can mention anything. And there is no boredom reading your comments, on the contrary.

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