The Great Seducer: Chocolate and Cat Food

Okay, we understood what this action signified.

It meant he didn’t need to have the marshmallow near at hand because his girlfriend wasn’t into marshmallows.  It also meant that SooJi, who liked marshmallows, was going to be placed on his back burner now. He was no longer at SJ’s beck and call and attending to TH’s needs is top priority.

But cat food in the fridge??

I didn’t know that TH was a cat lady.  My guess is this is the director’s clumsy way of emphasizing how preoccupied TaeHee was in her Architectural project that she 1) bought cat food instead of tuna, and 2) stored canned food in the fridge instead of the pantry.

As for snail bride.

That’s the first time I heard “snail bride” mentioned in kdramas was in Ruler of the Mask. I liked the second female lead there but I only watched about ¼ of the drama so I don’t know how her character panned out.

It still surprises me how often SH could be misinformed. He miscounted the number of encounters, never heard of the infinity sign, mixed up the stories of Cinderella and Snow White, AND knew less about the stars than TaeHee did (though he stargazed often). The only trivia he knew was about vampires. lol.

Lastly, the paper airplane.

She stashed it between the pages of her family album, along with a big portrait of father and daughter. If I were the writer, and I wanted to go all out makjang, I’d use this scene to portend to the mixed-up family relationship and perhaps tease viewers to think that TaeHee is the real chaebol granddaughter. lol.  As a makjang writer, I would reveal that her mother was pregnant with her when she married her dad, and her real biological father is SH’s non-biological father.

However, I hope that the writer would settle for a much simpler scenario, for instance, the findings of the DNA report were faked in SH’s father’s power grab, and TH and TH’s father would help mount the legal defense of SH.

I don’t expect this director/writer duo to quit the tortuous and tortured plot anytime soon, though. 😀


4 Comments On “The Great Seducer: Chocolate and Cat Food”

  1. Thank you because I was REALLY wondering about the cat food. I was like.. do either of them have cats?! maybe she was feeding strays.. lol

  2. Did you watch Because This is My First Life? 🙂 In Episode 1, the original roommate of the male protagonist peed in the fridge thinking it was a urinal, and ate cat 🐱 food thinking it was tuna.

    He was drunk.

    TH’s preoccupation was the only logical reason I could think of to explain why the director would waste time and film to to shoot a can of cat food in the fridge. Of course, there’s always the usual “product placement” excuse, but it was flagrantly out of context.

  3. Thanks for explaining that. I was wondering myself about the cat food. Honestly, the drama is still so confusing at times. Apparently, both the writer and the PD are new on the K Drama scene, and it shows-like this instance.

  4. Is the writer really a newbie? Grrrr.

    I wanted to google his/her previous works drama experience but I don’t even know the name.

    But if both the writer and the PD are neophytes, then I blame the MBC executives. What were they thinking? To hand a $$$ dollar project to newbies without an experienced staff for oversight??

    Plus, let’s not forget the editor (or whatever they call that person). She must be a newbie, too.

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