The Great Seducer: Episodes 29 and 30

If I were their guardian angel, I’d ask for a job transfer.

“What did Sooji and SeJoo do again now?”

For one, his friend is getting beaten up, and that asshole Sejoo doesn’t budge? Hello? Call 911? Apartment security? There’s a home invader?  Hmmm… Does he secretly have a death wish, as in, he wants to see his friend killed because HE can’t murder him himself? He glanced at his bandaged hand and knew ShiHyun wouldn’t fight. Sooooo dastardly Valmont, SeJoo!


There’s nothing much to analyze here in this Episode since we all saw this coming. Even the role of Oppa/Lawyer/Fiance in fighting with Valmont because of HyeJung. ShiHyun was the proxy for SeJoo.

But I’d be pissed if ShiHyun gets killed instead of SeJoo. Sorry, SeJoo fangirls. BITE ME!

Although SHyun is the one being beaten up right now, Sejoo is the one with the foreshadowing of death. I wrote about this earlier, right?

Plus, cold-heartedly speaking, SHyun has someone to live for – TaeHee, while SeJoo has nobody.  Alive, SeJoo has no value to SooJi other than a stopgap or an afterthought. Dead, he’ll haunt her days and nights. Alive? He’s just her errand boy.  Dead? SooJi will forever remember how she has it sooo good with SeJoo around.  To her, his absence has more impact than his presence. With him gone, SooJi will be hurting. It will fulfill Taehee’s curse because TaeHee did curse her, “I want you to suffer for a very long time.”

Lol. At that point when they had that conversation, SooJi already lost ShiHyun, so losing SeJoo isn’t something she’s expecting. Losing SeJoo will hit her a tsunami wave and she’ll be wishing that she drowns.

But if I’m wrong with my predictions, and it’s SHyun who dies tomorrow, then, I’m glad that he made it clear that falling in love with her wasn’t something he had foreseen or calculated. It’s small consolation, of course, compared to the havoc they created in her life. But then, TaeHee can find comfort that at least their time together wasn’t all a sham.

As for the mom of SJ, lol. I guess that’s what you call comeuppance?? The dad of SH will probably be fine. I think two deaths in one hour is too makjang-ish even for this show (although in the book, there were two deaths: Valmont and the girl). His punishment will probably be that the “last sight” of his lover is the back of her head.

Overall, I’ve no complaints about these episodes. They are what I expected. No surprises here.

Please post your comments here. Gotta run and eat dinner now.


3 Comments On “The Great Seducer: Episodes 29 and 30”

  1. I’m glad you’re here @packmule3 to explain what I’m seeing in this episode, namely Ki Young’s sudden transformation from annoying asshole to violent psychotic. Thanks for explaining that this is writer’s lame tie-in to original source material. Once again, not really working for me, writer. So my inner bitch is coming out to say- so Shi Hyun & Se joo both get “punished” by Ki Young, so where is Soo Ji’s punishment, huh? I really wanted to see her get backslapped by Ki Young in the name of vengeance for Tae Hee. Tae Hee’s little talk with Soo Ji was very unsatisfying on the payback scale for me. Sorry, Soo Ji lovers. (Actually, not sorry. So deal with it, SJ people.)

  2. Your guardian angel is amazing. So accurate! 😂

  3. I dragged myself to finish this series lol. At some point I felt like the writers gave up. Maybe the low ratings? Eep. Sort of annoying how the adults’ plotlines played a big mysterious role in the beginning, and then we maybe got 1 answer out of the 5 or so.

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