Poem a Day: List of Poems, Ep 9 to 12

To continue the list of poems began here:

Episode 9: Height

by Yoo Ahn Jin

I’m ashamed to say that until now
I only cried for myself.
My most painful cries
Still only come out for myself.
How much older do I need to get to grow a bigger heart
And how much taller does my heart need to get
Before I can cry for someone else?
My eyes can only see myself
On the most sorrowful days.
My ears can only hear my laugh
On the most happy days.
I’ve never realized how imperfect my heart is.
I’m embarrassed and ashamed.

by Kim Yong Taek

As I think of you
If I look at the mountains on a rainy day in May
I run out of breath completely
Please have me before I run out of breath.

Episode 10: It Only Rained After You Left

It Only Rained After You Left
by Yeo Rim

It only rained after you left.
The rain turned into heavy rain.
And I pictured you
Sitting in the bus with an upset expression on your face.

I felt my heart becoming sore.
There are times when people can’t be comforted by words.

I sit blankly while looking out the window
And even when I close my eyes as if I’m tired
A part of my consciousness becomes that much clearer.

It only rained after you left
In every street corner where I send you off.

Old Flame
by Choi Young Mi

Even though it was a flame that
I stole away for just a while
As long as I felt the warmth,
I forgot all my fears and sorrow.
It felt warm.
I’m thankful for everything you’ve done for me.
As well as everything you haven’t done for me.

Episode 11: What a Fool You Are

What a Fool You Are
by Shin Hyung Geon

You can’t spit out your gum wherever you please
So you run over to a garbage after wrapping it in tissue.
What a fool you are.

It’d be so much quicker if you sneak out of a doggy door (or back door exit???)
But you take the long route to use the main doors.
What a fool you are.

When you see a man whose face is covered in coal
You needlessly bow to greet him.
What a fool you are.

You cry all by yourself because a strict teacher is transferring
When no one else is crying
What a fool you are.

What’s the big deal about that anyway?

You squat in front of a dandelion
And stare at it for quite a while.
What a fool you are.

No matter how much I boast with a bunch of lies
You nod along with me
With your eyes opened wide
What a fool you are.

When I call you a fool,
You just smile back.
What a huge fool you are.

Then what am I?
I like you so much that I follow you around
As if I’m your shadow.
What does that make me?

by Jung Yeon Bok

There is no person in this world
Who was never hurt.
Being covered in scratches after a long day
Is just life.

Let’s not hide our pain.
We’re only human because we’re hurt.
Wounds can only be healed
Alongside another wound.

  • And from the Poetry book, “A Season of Good Rain,” that was never delivered:

Good Rain: A Night in Spring
by Du Fu

The good rain knows its season,
When spring arrives, it brings life.
It follows the wind secretly into the night,
And moistens all things softly, without sound.
On the country road, the clouds are all black,
On a riverboat, a single fire bright.
At dawn one sees this place now red and wet,
The flowers are heavy in the brocade city.

  • source: http://www.chinese-poems.com/due.html
  • This is the meaning of the poem according to me. It’s up to you to have your own interpretation. The good rain arrives in its own time; it’s not too soon or too late. It comes at night (meaning, stealthily or when you least expect it) and after the wind (meaning after turbulence). And it falls gently, quietly. Everywhere you can see the signs of its coming. Signs like the dark clouds in the horizon, and well-lit fire to ward off the chill. By sunrise, the place is wet and red (Think of dry brown earth turning red when wet.)
  • And the flowers are alive because they’ve been watered. The Brocade city is the city of Chengdu where the poet lived when he wrote this poem.
  • When related to love, it means that true love happens at the right time. It can’t be rushed or delayed. It arrives when you least expect it, after you’ve been buffeted by strong emotions. Love comes softly and quietly. Before you know it, you’ve soaked up love (like flowers soaked up the rain) and you bloom.  🙂

Episode 12: A Poor Love Song for the Young Person Next Door

A Poor Love Song for the Young Person Next Door
by Shin Kyung Rim

Why wouldn’t a poor man know how loneliness feels?
In the snow-covered alley on my way back from parting ways with you.
The blue moonlight shines onto the street

Why wouldn’t a poor man have any fears?
When I open my eyes to the sound of the clock, the sound of neighborhood patrol
And the sound of the buckwheat jelly
I hear the sound of a heavy machine go round in the distance

Why wouldn’t a poor man long for anyone?
I try repeating, “Mother, I miss you” countless times.
And I try to imagine the sound of the wind
Against the only persimmon that remains on the persimmon tree.

Why wouldn’t a poor man know about love?
The warmth of your lips that kissed my cheek,
The sound of our breathing, which told me you loved me.
The way you burst into tears when I turned around.

Why wouldn’t a poor man know?
Because I’m poor
I must abandon all of this.

  • In comparison, I’m adding this prose written by DefCon back in Episode 5.

A Passionate Love Story
by Kim Dae Bang (DefCon)

I’m a man who feels very sentimental today
There is a woman whom I once loved very much
The woman whom I met when I had
No money or life experience.
When I felt sorry because I couldn’t take to a nice restaurant
She said he preferred fast food.
When I felt sorry because I couldn’t get her a nice gift
She told me I was her gift.

But one day, that woman said she couldn’t handle me anymore
And left.
I could have met her
At a mutual friend’s kids’ first birthday party today
But I didn’t have the courage to face her
So I turned around and left.
Because I’m nothing more than a hurtful memory to her.

by Na Tae Joo

It’s not about where we yesterday
And it’s not about where we’ll be tomorrow.

It’s just about where we are today.
And, you.

  • My explanation is here:

I would have to bring up this ditty from Episode 9. Thanks, Oli.

by Jo Gan Woo

When I first laid my eyes on her, she was another man’s wife
I looked at her through the opening between my curtains.

hahahaha. And he almost caught them, too.

2 Comments On “Poem a Day: List of Poems, Ep 9 to 12”

  1. You know, even if boyoung and dr. Ye end up being couple till the end, i’m still happy because in real life lee yoobi more likey close to jang doyoon hahaha i checked her insta and i’m laughing at the picture where yoobi+doyoon riding a go kart thing/? together and dr. Ye just a loner behind them 😂

  2. That’s what I screenshot from their drama gala (or whatever it was – press con?), too. The two kids look chummier.

    But I don’t ship actors. 🙂 and I DON’T want to know what the actors do with their love lives after the camera stops filming so I want their characters together in the kdrama. 😂

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