Love O2O: @agdr03’s Comments on Ep 16

Hurray!! After a year of using wordpress, I finally learned how to use quotation box. Don’t you dare crack jokes about dumb blondes, ok??

How Xiao Nai and WeiWei went about on their whole relationship is the reason I want to send a thank you letter to the Chinese Ministry of Culture. This is what a true/proper romance should be. Well for me anyway. 🙂

If you see the state of sex education here, you’ll understand why many of the youngsters have a distorted view of romance and marriage.

FYI. There’s a comprehensive sex education that promotes and advocates for everything except that “abstinence-only” is the best way to avoid pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. Proponents of this comprehensive sex ed criticize the “abstinence-only” believers and the “sexual intercourse should only occur within marriage” supporters for imposing their religious-based morality onto others and being heteronormal, among other things.

We don’t have a Ministry of Culture but we have Hollywood/Hollyweird. lol.

I’ll second @Phoenix on her ‘whose Christian Grey?’! 🤔

Wait…you really don’t know who Christian Grey is?

He’s that lead male character in that wallbanger (ha!) “50 Shades of Grey.”

Nope. Not reading that book nor watching that movie. I don’t there’s enough eye-bleach to rid myself of the gross stuff afterwards.

1 – Yang Yang portrayed that sulking to the T. I can’t blame him too for being like that because he was not prepared to be away for a long time with WeiWei. He’s never experienced it before. I thought it was nice that WeiWei can read his thoughts too and for her to try and make him cheer up even if it only lasted 3 seconds because there was no other train schedule. 🙂

If I were Weiwei, I wouldn’t have noticed that he was sulking. (Yes, I’m that self-absorbed.) I just thought his reaction time was unusually sluggish, like I was seeing him in slow-motion. I only understood why after I rewatched the scene.

The plain ticket was never a question because like you said she’s self sufficient. Didn’t she fix her own laptop too in episode 1 because the part was expensive? Please correct me if I am wrong.

Yes, she fixed her own laptop. Remind me that I have to “analyze” their Episode 1’s first meeting on the bridge.

That hand holding was automatic! 😍 I wonder if they practiced that before the actual scene. It looked natural.

I couldn’t find a gif so I took screenshots instead.

He sticks his hand out.

He’s waiting for her.

She catches it.

He starts to swing their hands.

But I remember that finger-holding in Fluttering Alert. I thought that was funny.

Image result for fluttering alert finger holding

2 – I totally love your explanation on his soulful look at Wei Wei. That longing look goes right through your whole being. I wonder how Zheng Shuang survived that scene without fainting from Yang Yang’s gaze. Not to mention that graze! She’s a very good actress! I would have died and gone to heaven. 🤣

I think some of the critics are being hard on her. In Episode 17, for instance, a lot of her acting involved just facial expressions because she was emoting her “state of mind.” She was miming her emotions. And I think she did perfectly well because WE the audience could understand what she was trying to express without the use of words. The facial expression and her body movement were enough to tell us what she was going through without the voice-over narration needing to inform us that she felt giddy, hesitant, confused, anxious, scheming, bewildered, proud, and so on.

Try watching that scene without the subtitles and audio and you’ll see what I mean.

3 – So as much as Xiao Nai rattled on about call me when you get home, drink your medicine and buy a phone, he follows as well with WeiWei’s instruction of putting the cactus in his office. That’s a good boyfriend! 👍

So true!!

He followed the missus, too. Although he did threaten the guys that he would kill them if they found out who gave it to him….

I think he didn’t want the guys to find out that Weiwei gave him a cactus as a going-away present, just like he didn’t want them to find out that she gave him a hairpin.

4 – I felt too that Xiao Nai meant that he doesn’t mind her looking haggard or whatever as long as her parents know that she has a boyfriend. 🙂

Good point!

He can be that single-minded. Yes, he always wanted that title of a boyfriend, didn’t he?

He wanted the big wedding online. Then, he was the one who announced to the school during senior’s night basketball game that they were officially dating. And now he wants her to announce to HER family that she’s got a boyfriend, too.

He probably won’t mind that she gets teased by her parents and friends because it’s all for a good cause: him. But the thing is HE can handle all the teasing and HE can shield her from the more inquisitive relatives but I don’t see her doing it on her own. I remember when they had that first bike ride on campus. She was uncomfortable that people were stopping and staring at them.

I only watched in Netflix so I only saw now that he called her sister. I wish all subtitles are universal. hehehe

In netflix, the subs said that he called her “Sis.” In Kissasian, the subs said he called her “Jiejie.” I googled it and “jiejie” meant — hold your breath now —


He called her the Chinese equivalent of “noona.”

Image result for noona gif

hahaha. No wonder he was grinning.

He is a very smart and a very confident boy to actually put his Mother-in law’s landline on his mobile when she haven’t even met him yet. 😄

And he thought he was a genius for saving it as “mother-in-law” without anybody knowing.

Side note – Hubby and I had a long distance relationship for over a year before we got married so we were on the phone during those times, no internet yet. I’m sure it’s a blessing on those couples now. 🙂

Hey, you had phones??! Lucky!

I had to write letters.  I relate to this…

Image result for i wrote you 365 letters

Writing letters was more convenient than typing them.

Image result for writing letters gif

I can’t believe that kids nowadays don’t even know what a typewriter is … and a rotary phone… and an ice cube tray!

Xiao Nai misses her too much that he knows whether it rained in her hometown. This guy! 😃 And researching washing machines too. Who says he’s not serious about WeiWei? I’m trying to understand her response and I think that’s why she said it’s a cold joke because she thought it was cool of him to think they would end up married. She’s playing it down but deep inside she felt giddy. I like that explanation about being open and knowing things just so they know how to fix it.

I think Weiwei THINKS that Xiao Nai doesn’t have a pretty sense of humor or that he has a very dry sense of humor. He also tends to say over-the-top things which she finds corny. And he can say things bluntly, without filtering first if it’s going to offend the other person.

Remember in one of the PKs, he asked her, “Do we need an excuse to kill them?” He sounded cruel but he was right. It was a combat online so there are no limitations nor restrictions. He was reminding her of the no-holds-barred policy.

In real life, however, he was easy with the girls, even with Meng Yiran. He could have allowed the mean guys at the gala to fool around with her. But he stopped them by covertly announcing who she was and who she was related to.

5 – He totally didn’t understand her question about the money until the food arrived. Yes! I thought that that was sweet of WeiWei even if he paid for it. Nothing like a caring girlfriend even if she’s far away from you.

He didn’t understand her because it was so out of the blue. And when he asked, “huh?” she said, “Never mind.”

It means no matter how far apart Nai and Weiwei are, they’e still under the same moon, wishing for each other.  Awwwwww, so true. 😍 😍 😍

Sigh. How far have we come from this moment?

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9 Comments On “Love O2O: @agdr03’s Comments on Ep 16”

  1. I’ll come back to this tomorrow. Was on my feet from 2:30 onwards till 8:30pm today. 😩

    I do know Christian Grey and I read the first book and watched the 3 movies with my perverted cousin 😂 I like the actor, not his character. 🤣

    Goo morning! 👋🏻

  2. Am finishing up The Kiss Analysis now. Will try to post before leaving for work.

  3. Good night!
    What??!! You watched the movies?? hahaha. See? you are pervy. I couldn’t even pick up the book from the bookstore. hahaha. I’d be mortified.

  4. Forgot to say well done on figuring the quotation box. It looks pretty and very organised. 😉☺️


  5. Thank you!! I accidentally clicked on the icon. That’s how I knew it existed. lol.

  6. Figured out = accidentally. Same thing 😂

    I’m excited to read up on that kiss analysis tomorrow. I know I was one of those who said I didn’t like their first kiss but I know we needed to be open minded about the whole situation. I understood it better now because we’ve analysed WeiWei’s emotions leading up to it.

    All I wanted was for her to not have closed lips. 😂 I’m demanding I know! But I think you’re right about the whole script being put to life that way. 😊

  7. Hahaha. Are you reading my notes??!!
    Yes, I was going to mention (only mention) the closed lips….

  8. Perverted minds think alike? 😂

    That was my only complaint about the kiss! I know she said she’s got bad breath from the airline food but really that kiss was exciting as! I mean as soon as the door closed, boom! You’re against the wall and being kissed by your handsome boyfriend! Great kisser he is too! 😂

    My Yang Yang fan girl is going into overdrive again. 🤣😂

  9. Hello! How is the vacation going so far? I hope really good. 🙂

    I asked my youngest son today when did they learn about the reproductive organs and he said last year, he was in Grade 5. It was very brief he said. I’m sure they didn’t get told about the pros and cons of when to do it because most of them are only 10 years old. It’s very opposite to your part of the world and it saddens me that yes in this day and age, it’s not as important anymore. This is why I’m glad I don’t have a daughter. 🙂 I think I’ll be way over protective, she would hate me.

    Ok, back to the show 🙂

    I just thought that WeiWei had an inkling that he is upset that she’s leaving because he was very quiet in the car.

    Have you analysed episode 1, their first meeting on the bridge?

    Why was the finger holding in Fluttering Alert funny? 🙂 Hehehe Compared to Xiao Nai, Woo Hyun is way innocent when it comes to hand holding. LOL!

    I agree that WeiWei was going through all those emotions when being kissed by Xiao Nai. 🙂 We have to give her credit as first and foremost it is her first EVER kiss.

    As much as he is very vocal about WeiWei to the guys, he is still very private in a way that he treasures the things that WeiWei gave him.

    When boy’s save their Mother-In-Laws number on their phone like that then we know it’s serious. 🙂

    Awwww love letters. I like them. Yes hubby and I had phones then. Funny because I still use an electric typewriter here at work when I’m lazy in printing a label. LOL!

    Yes, Xiao Nai does says things bluntly but really I think it’s because WeiWei is still adjusting to him. She’s just not as used to it yet.

    Sigh. How far have we come from this moment?

    For me, very very very far that whatever I watch now it’s all just a meh show. Seriously, I watched 2 more Chinese drama, About Is Love and A Love So Beautiful. I don’t know if I will ever like any dramas again coming from Love O2O. 😃

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