Put Your Head on My Shoulder: Episode 9

For me, the highlight of this episode is Gu WeiYi’s lies.

1. The knife

Looking back now, the sight of Gu WeiYi sharpening the knife was funny. This scene was supposed to make us feel like evil was rising.

Image result for so happy i could cry gif

The room was in shadows; WeiYi was deathly quiet. Situ Mo approached him and asked, “What are you doing?” but he didn’t respond. His face was expressionless but his eyes were dark. The sound of the blade sliding on the whetstone scared her. The ambiance was straight out of a slasher-and-splatter film.

But the difference between a horror movie and this romcom is that we know GWY will never stab STM with that cleaver. STM can turn her back on GWY, without fear, because she knows she’s safe with him.

He’s not going to make a lunge for her like Fu Pei did here.

He hands her a can of beer, and she thanks him. He lets her open it before he begins to speak.

WY: Why did Fu Pei look for you?
Mo: (she chokes) You’re straight to the point, aren’t you.
WY: So? Why did he look for you?
Mo: Gu WeiYi, you’ve never been a busybody before.
WY: Your mother asked me to look after you.
Mo: Did she pay you?
WY: Yes.
Mo: What?
WY: The rental. (she scoffs) What were you guys doing out there?

That’s his first lie. He’s being a nosy parker and prying in Situ Mo’s affairs because he’s jealous. It has nothing to do with the mom’s asking him to look after STM.

Situ Mo gets a tissue and meticulously wipes the beer fizz on her can. Metaphor alert: she’s wiping up traces of her broken relationship with FP.

We see a flashback. I’m not certain whether she’s recounting all of this to WeiYi or she’s just rehashing things in her head. If it involved another couple, I’d hope that l WeiYi any of these as they’re a private matter. However, but most of the things she told Fu Pei, WeYi had personally witnessed anyway. He grips the can while he waits for her to answer.

WY: Then?

Another flashback. She continues to wipe around the edge of the can.

Mo: He confessed to me.
WY: (he takes a deep breath and swallows) Then?
Mo: We had a fight. I’m tired, I’m going to bed.
WY: Did he hit you? (standing up)

Mo: No, I hit him. (tugging him to sit him down) I hit him. (he sits once more)
WY: Really?
Mo: Really.
WY: Really?
Mo: Real…ly.
WY: Why did you hit him?
Mo: Because I rejected him, but he’s still kept mumbling.
WY: (he looks surprised, then he tries to hide his grin) You rejected him? (snorts)
Mo: (eyes him suspiciously)
WY: I’m going to bed.

Situ Mo is left wondering why he suddenly ups and leaves. One second, he’s pressing her for details and in the next, he’s going to bed?!!

Inside his room, he starts rejoicing. He lets go of his internal jubilee and pent-up schadenfreude.

And that’s why, in hindsight, I find the sight of Gu WeiYi sharpening the knife comical. There’s a build-up of tension and suspense because mentally, he’s gearing up to fight Fu Pei over Situ Mo — to the death, if we consider that knife. Even in the epilogue, he’s restlessly waiting for Situ Mo to return to the apartment while holding the knife.


But as it turns out, the only blood spilled here is when he attacks his own face with a beer can.

But this is a schadenfreude moment for me too.

2. Her rejection of Fu Pei

Situ Mo presented her side very well.

Mo: Don’t you want to talk to me?
FP:I want to be with you.
Mo: What?
FP: Let’s get together.
Mo: Forget it, we’re not suitable.
FP: Why? Are you falling into Gu…someone else?
Mo: No. I just stopped loving you.
FP: In your heart, I’m nothing and you can give up me up anytime, right? Why did you stick to me then and pretend that you won’t leave me forever? Did I beg you? No, I did not!

I’m not the only one annoyed with Fu Pei in this scene, right? We see that he’s trying to turn the tables here. He’s making her feel guilty for “breaking up” with him by accusing her of lying about her emotions from the start.

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Mo: (sigh) I didn’t mean to stop loving you suddenly. When you told Xu Jie Er that we’re not a couple, I told myself that you’re protecting me. When you let go of my hand on the bridge in the school, I told myself that you’re afraid. Anyone can feel afraid. Every time you promised me and didn’t turn up, I told myself that you’re too crazy in games and forgot. When you smiled at me and asked me to get a girlfriend for you, I just couldn’t convince myself. When I saw you running out from Gu WeiYi’s house, I was upset with myself. That day, when I saw you and Wang Shan, I suddenly found out that I wasn’t sad anymore. No, I should say that I no longer feel sad because of you. I felt sad because I found that I stopped loving you finally.  I didn’t mean to stop suddenly. It’s because you always ran out and left me alone at the place. 

She’s done making excuses for him.

She then stands up and offers to get him medicine. He jumps after her and hugs her from behind.

Mo: Fu Pei, let me go….Get off me.
FP: MoMo.,,, MoMo. MoMo, give me one more chance. Last chance. I’ll never do that again.
Mo: Calm down. Get off me. Let me go.

She unwraps his arms around her neck. (What a bastard. He had her in a chokehold.)

Mo: I really no longer like you.

He lunges for her again as if to kiss her but she pushes him back. She starts running back to their apartment.

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3. Meeting at the new campus

SiTu Mo and Wang Shang wait outside the campus print shop. STM worries about the format of her thesis because she’s going to print it already. Out of the blue, WeiYi appears.

GWY: (drawling) You should be more concerned about the content.
Mo: Can you please stop teasing me?

hahaha. I like how they greet each other with familiarity.

GWY: You off today?
Mo: I’m here to print my thesis. What about you? I thought you have your experiment in the old campus.
GWY: (he avoids her eyes) I have something here.

Beside him, his senior research partner stares at him. He introduces her as “Xie Yu Yin.”

Mo: I know her. We’ve met before. Right? (looking at YuYin)
YY: Your girlfriend?

And check out the reactions:

WangShang: Girfriend?
WY: How did you know?

Mo: That’s crap! (she scolds him) Your words are confusing. It’ll cause misunderstanding.
YY: Misunderstanding?

And Mo proceeds to explain her white lie so she could make GWY join Professor Jiang’s experiment team. GWY doesn’t look so happy about her admission. It’s obvious that he didn’t mind them being regarded as a “campus couple.”

YY: So you’re not a couple?
Mo: We’re not.

lol. A few minutes later, she’s probably regretting rejecting GWY. After paying for her thesis and WS’s thesis, she turns to say something to Gu WeiYi. But Yu Yin speaks up at the same time, “Did you see any error here?”

I think normally, GWY would have chosen to hear out Situ Moo first before Yu Yin. However, because of the incident earlier when she berated him for causing a misunderstanding, GWY isn’t inclined to give her attention. GWY answers YY, “I did the calculation. There shouldn’t be any problems.”

Feeling slighted, STM takes out her annoyance on the stapler. “It’s not working” she says and she throws it. GWY just looks at her and her friend tells her, “Slowly. Here let me do it.”

Again, normally, GWY would have stepped in, taken the stapler and done it for her (like he did with her shattered cell phone glass). But he minds his own business and doesn’t pay her attention.

STM side-eyes him then says, “We’ll leave first.” He just grunts.

lol. See that? I’m pretty sure that he’s giving her the cold shoulder. His attitude now is vastly different from his casual and teasing greeting earlier. I think it serves her right.

But to me, there’s another important thing that happened during this encounter. I think Gu WeiYi is lying again, his second third in this episode.

He lets Situ Mo believe that he’s still at the OLD campus. Yu Yin tries to bring it up, “Zhou Lei is finalizing the experiment in the old campus.” WY doesn’t deny it. In fact, he asks her, “What’s wrong?” meaning he doesn’t see anything wrong with ZL doing the experiment in the old campus and he doesn’t see how that matters to him.

The thing is Situ Mo believes that he’s doing his experiment at the OLD campus. Remember: that was his reason for staying in the apartment with her. In Episode 3, he said that he was doing an experiment in the OLD campus but he couldn’t get a cab as it was raining so he didn’t return to the NEW campus where his dorm was. He arrived at the apartment on the eve of his scheduled visit at the apartment, because the apartment is closer to the OLD campus.

Then, in Episode 4, he told his roommate while he was packing his clothes in the dorm, that he’d only be gone for a week.

Roommate: Why? are you going to leave here? How long will you go back for this time?
WY: About a week. I’ll come back after the completion of Prof Jiang’s experiments.
Roommate: Why can’t you do it here? What’s the purpose to move in here?
WY: Some equipment is still at the old campus.

But by Episode 6, he’s already done with the experiment.

He was doing his thesis in the lab and researching a family name.

Help with the translation, please. Was he checking Situ Mo’s last name??

Prof Jiang was surprised that he finished it so soon and he made GWY redo the experiment.

So, all along, he could have moved back to his DORM because his work is now at the NEW campus. But he lets Situ Mo believe that he’s still working at the OLD campus so he returns to the apartment at night.

He’s been lying all this time and inconveniencing himself with the long commute just to spend the nights at the apartment with Situ Mo. lol.

You’re such a liar, Gu WeiYi.

4. Dinner with Mom

In light of his lie about the location of labwork, I’m not surprised anymore that he lied about the prawns.

Mom: …Mantis prawn. Your favorite.
Mo: I thought you were allergic.

He’s lying again. Third time in this episode. 

WY: She got it wrong.
Mom: What’s wrong?
WY: I’m allergic to mantis prawn.
Mom: No.
WY: Yes.
Mom: When you were small, I brought you to your grandma’s
WY: You’re busy when I was small.
Mom: I might’ve gotten it wrong. What a bad memory! Do you eat fish?
WY: Yes.

I wouldn’t even be surprised if the dinner with his mother was his idea, not his mom’s.


Mom: I’m so sorry to ask you out for dinner suddenly. In fact, I feel scared to stay with him alone.
Mo: Huh?

lol. If I understand this correctly, Situ Mo was only an afterthought. That is, she was an addition because the mom was intimidated to be alone with WeiYi. But who’s idea was it to have dinner anyway? If his mom was scared to meet him, why did she suggest dining out with him?

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It would be too funny if WeiYi planned this after their “tiff” at the printing office. I wouldn’t put it pass him to suddenly invite his mom out to dinner, ANTICIPATING that his mom would say, “Ummm…do you want to bring a friend with you?” because she was scared to be alone with him.

He then would call up Mo with a handy excuse to dinner with his mom which he facilitated.

WY: Are you going home? I’m going home.
Mo: It’s so early.
WY: My mother is coming.

Mo: Who?
WY: My mother. She wanted to treat you to dinner.

Mo: I’m not hungry.
WY: Okay. I’ll tell her then. (hahaha. So evil, this kid!)

Mo: Don’t don’t don’t don’t. Why did she want to treat me?
WY: I have no idea (suuuuure!) I’ll ask her.

Mo: Don’t don’t don’t. I’ll go with you.
WY: I’ll wait for you downstairs.
Mo: Okay.

Mission accomplished!

You see, I thought there was something off when he met Situ Mo outside her dorm.

She wasn’t entirely sure that dinner with his mother was a good idea.

But he was absolutely confident that it’d be fine. Too confident, if you ask me…and nonchalant.

And he had that sneaky, satisfied smile on his face as he turned away from her.

It reminds me of the time he plotted to get her back home by lying that her mother was dropping by to spot-check that she was still in the apartment.

Yes, this dinner sounded like a plot.

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5. Birthday party

I thought it was cute when he plucked the confetti from her hair and used her bangs for static-generator for the balloons.

I liked the way she wanted to “defend their walls.” She knew that he didn’t like his living space invaded and dirtied.

She reminded me of Weiwei when she turned down the invitation to bring Xiao Nai to a party. She said that her boyfriend was an introvert and didn’t like to mingle with strangers.

lol. I’m sneaking in screenshots from Love O2O.

6. Help with translation again!

a. This was from Episode 6. He told Prof that he was checking the surname for his thesis. Was he checking out Situ Mo’s name?

b. Plus he was checking this out, too, while waiting for Situ Mo.

She asked him why he was searching this and he didn’t answer.


12 Comments On “Put Your Head on My Shoulder: Episode 9”

  1. Yeah, he was searching for STM’s last name, and “who invented the printer/photocopier”

  2. Delurking to say that you always, ALWAYS have the best reaction gifs/memes. XD I’m enjoying this drama a lot! GWY is totally a lying liar who lies, but somehow he’s also very earnest in his protectiveness of STM and his scientific curiosity about everything. 🙂 Also I’m very proud of STM for giving FP a piece of her mind, finally.

  3. He was searching for “Situ”? Pwahahaha.

    Why is there a special meaning in Chinese for Situ?

  4. Hi goyangi! 😂 you know, I often spend more time looking for gifs/memes and screenshots than I do writing or dictating my commentaries. So I’m glad you like them.

    Yes, GWY is a stinking “lying liar who lies” but he has her best interests in mind. FP is also another “lying liar who lies” every time he breaks his promises to STM. So there’s a big difference between the two. 😀

    Did I miss any more squeal-worthy scenes? Just tell me so I can include them.

  5. Growing Beautifully (GB)

    I’m re-watching this episode and I soooo hate FP for trying to guilt trip her, as if she lied to him that she wanted the relationship, or led him on. (I’m mentally being violent and slapping his face).

    It was really the other way around. He had asked for their relationship to be more, leading up to one day being her bf, but then he only treated her as a gf when it suited him. He was the one who had strung her along for years, while she waited for a proper commitment.

    All along he’d been giving the signs that said the opposite of wanting commitment, and still she had patiently waited. Asking her to find a girl for him was really the last straw.

    I like that she looked him in the eye and pointed out that he had been the one to abandon her time and again.

    I think she actually did recount her chat with FP to GWY, but maybe not in full detail. However she did not tell him that FP tried to kiss her, calling it ‘mumbling’ instead to not get GWY riled up. I imagine that GWY would have grabbed his chopper and run out after FP if she had!!!

    About the ‘probing questions’ from GWY. I actually prefer that he did ask them outright. Then Mo Mo knew what was of concern to him and could clear his doubts/worries. Mo Mo could have told him to stop asking if she did not want to reveal personal stuff, however she told him the truth, without hiding much, so he could ask her more.

    I much prefer this to him trying to find out by other indirect means, probably by going behind Mo Mo’s back to enquire or by stalking her or something.

    Her reveal was a relief, because then it gives their relationship a chance to develop without that irritating FP burden.

    I agree that GWY had totally set up that mother coming to lunch or dinner? scenario to get Mo Mo back beside him. And I think it was quite terrible of GWY to have ‘used’ his mum and then to promptly dismiss her by calling a cab immediately after dinner, so that he could have Mo Mo to himself.

    Our hero has quite a lot of flaws!! He is also manipulating, but we trust, that although his manipulations are self-serving, they are harmless.

  6. Growing Beautifully (GB)

    In romances, I like to kind of pin-point the moment when the couple hit the level of mutually romantically liking each other.

    While GWY had started feeling more for Mo Mo from early on, and knew it, I was thinking that the Jenga forfeit of staring into each other’s eyes for 20 seconds was the time when they both were really on the same page in their relationship, but it was just not acknowledged yet.

  7. It’s just “my theory” that GWY planned that dinner meeting with his mom. We don’t know; I could be wrong. But yes, at first, I thought it was rude of him to invite his mom out then hurry her off in a cab. But I think there’s a reason. He was afraid that his mom might blurt out something else, for instance, that the dinner was his idea, and that STM would discover he was a “stinking lying liar who lies”. lol.

    The prawn incident was already a close call for him.

    I thought Momo’s reaction was different from what I expected. Instead of being turned off by the “coldness” in GWY/mom’s relationship, she wanted to find out how GWY “tamed” his mom to stay within her boundaries.

    There’s a moral lesson there somewhere about the different natures of their mothers. STM’s mom vs GWY’s mom. According to the story: STM’s mom is a housewife; interfering; knows no boundaries; bullies her daughter. GWY’s mom is a careerwoman; no time for him; clear boundaries; intimidated by son.

    This whole mother-trope annoys me because it reinforces wrong ideas. It’s not sexist or racist, but mother-ist. hahaha.

    Yes, I noticed that STM “euphemized” FP’s forced attempt to kiss her as “mumblings”. I liked it. And yes, I agree, GWY would have gone after FP with that butcher’s knife had he known what he tried to do with STM. hahaha. I was worried that the actor would accidentally cut himself with that knife the way he was carrying it around. I hope it was just a prop and not a real knife.

  8. I agree that Jenga moment was the “it” moment.

    Hmmm….I wonder if the writer knew that the word “jenga” comes from a Swahili word meaning “to build”. I guess not.

    But yes, to me, that’s the moment they can start “building” up their relationship. FP’s done with, so they can now start on their new relationship.

  9. Growing Beautifully (GB)

    Heh! Mother-ist or Anti-mother-ist. That’s often the problem with the way drama mums – especially in rom-coms – are written. They are seldom rounded characters in their own right, but plot devices to add conflict or to enable situations that don’t normally happen, to occur … like in this case, enabling the boy and girl to cohabit without any chaperone.

    I’ve not liked soap operas or weekend dramas because of these characterisations of parents (plus other things), but I’ve also come to expect that mums in rom-coms or soaps are stereo-typically meddling and/or abusive and I try to ignore them.

    I’m trying to re-watch Ep 10 now, but had a ‘hang’ problem in the middle of the episode. 😉

  10. GWY was searching for the origin of STM’s last name

  11. Thanks!

  12. I am slowly reading all yr post on this drama 👋 I know it is a while back. I find this drama a relatively realistic one. The realities of the push and pull of a relationship before the confession. Great for teaching girls how to reject a persistent guy. I am glad she is clear as day on her rejection of FuPei. He is he one who is in denial.

    Btw Situ or 司徒 is a rare surname. Usually chinese surnames consist of only one word. Hers has two which got me confused initially too. It might explain why GWY was researching on it. I went to dig more and found that it originated from the Han dynasty and means ‘Minister of the Masses”..one of the highest ranking offices in China then.

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