Throwback Thursday: The Coffee Mystery

This is my stance on the coffee mystery. This is a “Throwback Thursday” post (although it’s only Monday) because it’s recycled from a password-protected write-up.

I’m only updating the write-up with this comment from @Janey. (@Janey, I hope you don’t mind me sharing this out here.)

I am curious to see who the coffee giver is and I rewatched ep2 because it was a spliced timeline. I think SHwa recognized the writing and knows who gave her coffee – her smile of pleasure was evident, it was not of curiosity.

Given that assumption, she did not thank Seon Bin about the coffee when she came to her office and gave her cake. She met IJ in the hallway with Jwan, she did not thank him also. That leaves JW which she did not see yet….

As always, FGers and non-FG lurkers (Why are you still here?) are free to form their own opinion.

Let's git together


We can only speculate on the identity of the coffee-giver. The resident SeonBin, Ikjun, JW. It’s anybody’s guess. Here are the arguments for and against the three suspects, as I see them.

The Residents, SeonBin/SeokMin:

Arguments For:

1. SeonBin knew she was leaving in an hour and saw how tired she was. She could have given her coffee. Last season, Capt Ahn gave Songhwa a pair of shoes. He noted that she was rubbing her tired feet and saw that she was wearing an old pair.

2. SeonBin bought her cake so it wasn’t unusual for her to treat Songhwa out.

Arguments Against:

1. Neither one knew what her new vehicle looked like. However, if Songhwa had an assigned parking space then this wouldn’t matter.

2. According to @royangi, the note on the second cup of coffee didn’t use formal language. “This has an extra shot of espresso. If you’re not sleepy, drink this decaf coffee.”


Arguments For:

1. He had a habit of dropping by her office, and peeking through her office window. He could have seen her sleeping.

2. IkJun knew that Songhwa is a coffee-lover.

a. He could still be trying to woo her. In the beginning of Season 1, when they were trying to find a way to convince Songhwa to join the bad, he said, “Why are you taking a negative approach like finding people’s weaknesses? Try to think of what Songhwa would want or want to do.” His early proposal failed so he could be employing a new approach. This time he’d focus on what Songhwa wanted.

b. Or the coffee could just be a thoughtful gesture from an old friend. 🤷‍♀️

3. He spoke banmal with her.

4. The note made Songhwa smile. Ikjun had been on Songhwa’s good side after she rejected him. Songhwa no longer felt awkward with him. She didn’t look at the coffee gift with suspicion.

5. He did something similar before. Episode 10. He saw her sleeping with Uju, and he made breakfast for her.

6. He had the time to go buy coffee. The people who were filmed staying late that night were SH, JWan, and JW.

Arguments Against:

1. IkJun liked to call attention to himself…just like when he acted goofy peeking through Songhwa’s window.

And he was naturally intrusive.

Seeing Songhwa sleeping on the couch wouldn’t have stopped him from entering the room, and leaving the coffee on the table where she could see it first thing when she woke up. — Just like when he showed up at her biopsy result consultation because he wasn’t satisfied waiting for her to tell him like the rest of the group.


Many Flower Gardeners don’t mind IJ buying her the coffee because his action would parallel that of Capt Ahn giving Songhwa the shoes. We know how well THAT turned out, don’t we?

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Arguments For:

1. He knew that her surgery was on Thursday. He knew it was going to be a long day for her. If he could pack the heat patches for her neck, then he could buy her coffee.

2. He wouldn’t feel awkward that he was showing another girl special attention by buying her coffee. For him, it would be like returning her a favor when she stayed up to heat up his risotto.

Note: To me, that’s the other reason he lent his professor’s card to that new fellow Kang Soye. Not only did he disliked her touching him, but he was also avoiding a one-on-one coffee break with her since he was dating Jang already. That was his prudish Catholic mindset reacting. (Wait! Is he still Catholic? 😈)

3. He dropped by her office regularly, too.

He had no reason to pass by that corner of the hospital. But he did anyway in the off-chance that she was still there. He was expecting her to have gone home already, and was surprised to see her.

4. He felt guilty making her work hard for the DDL program.

JW: You’re still here?
Songhwa: Yes, I want to see a patient before I head out. It’s Yoo GyeongJin.
JW: Is it a difficult surgery?

He asked an important question. None of the gang had asked her about the surgery when they found out that she was operating on the violinist. Instead, they were impressed because it was a VIP patient. JWan wondered, “Who is Yoo GyeongJin? You mean the violinist?” And IK bragged, “I know who it is, Yoo YeongJin.” (As usual, it’s all about him.) But he didn’t even know her name, so Songhwa had to correct him.

SH filled them in with the gossip that Songhwa was chosen because she was the best neurosurgeon in the hospital. IJ expressed concern that she was commuting long distances, and JWan thought she was overworking. Meanwhile, JW sat silently. 😂 For a while there, I thought he would blow a fuse again because the attention wasn’t on him and his announcement. But since it was about Songhwa, he waited his turn.

So this night, JW was asking her about the surgery itself, not the VIP. This was his way of asking her if she felt any anxiety. He was checking on her condition before the big day, and showed a willingness to listen if she needed somebody to talk to. This reminded me of the personal questions that Minha asked SH in Episode 1. Like JW, Minha was checking up on SH.

Songhwa: Olfactory groove meningioma. I’m sure you’ve heard of it.
JW: (nodding)
Songhwa: It’s a meningioma in the olfactory nerve, just like the name suggests. But the tumor is located pretty deep. Are you on duty tonight?

JW: Yes, I am. But you’re not. You should go home early.
Songhwa: I will, after I check in on Yoo Gyeong-Jin. She must be nervous about the surgery.

JW: Waaah. Songhwa, you really are…(at a loss for words) How can you be so focused whenever you start something.


a. The admiration is mutual.

b. I like that he recognizes and respects her dedication to her patients. He seldom praises his colleagues, so this is significant.

c. Remember her resolution to become a “villain”? When she focuses on the *third definition* of villain, Jang will be a goner.

JW: (continuing) You should never be put in charge of anything.
Songhwa: (sitting up) I had five phone calls about DDL this month. I need to work harder. To turn all your plans into reality, I definitely need to work harder.

@nrllee’s analysis is right on the money! Songhwa intended to work hard to make DDL project a success. She was a villain, indeed.

JW: If you’re going to keep this up, I’m really… I’m going to take it off your plate. I don’t want your life to be consumed by work because of it.

Songhwa: But I love it. Please, keep me on it. (aegyo)
JW: (laughing)

I like that they have this philanthropy to bond them. It tells us that they both have a “giving attitude” and that their values are aligned with each other. They’re compatible.

Songhwa: There aren’t many patients in Sokcho, so I have time to work on it. Timing-wise, it’s perfect.
JW: Oh boy.
Songhwa: You’re too busy these days. You’re taking care of all the surgeries. Without you, the entire Pediatric Surgery will shut down. Where will all the kids in the PICU and NICU go?
JW: (aegyo) I should’ve asked IkJun to do it.

True. He could have asked IkJun to do it, but his first choice had always been Songhwa because she was the “wisest” one of them all. Besides, didn’t he tell JWan that he could never understand IkJun’s thinking?

5. He would use banmal with her.

6. He was considerate. Between him and IJ, he was more likely to let her sleep quietly, AND respect her space. Also, he liked doing good deeds without calling attention to himself. Case in point, the DDL project.

7. Giving her coffee was the “Daddy-Long-Legs” thing to do. He was doing her a benevolent act behind-the-scenes.

Arguments Against:

1. He was still busy in the hospital that night; he might not have had the time to go to the café to get her Songhwa coffee.

2. I don’t recall him buying coffee for Songhwa before. 🤔 He bought coffee for the PICU nurses with IJ’s card, but he hadn’t bought her coffee.


To be honest, I’m not invested in this Mystery Coffee Giver for a few reasons.

One, I believe the writer and director are trying to create a buzz for the next episode. It’s gimmicky. I say we just wait for ShinLee to surprise us.

Pin on SherlockAnimated gif in BBC Sherlock collection by Fritzi

Two, I thought it diverted our attention from the real “mystery.”

And three, if you’re looking for an Easter Egg in the husband-hunting game, I don’t think this was it. I think you missed it. 🙂

Do you remember how coffee became significant to the kdrama?

I told you, right after Episode 3 Season 1 aired, that coffee was a big clue in the husband hunting game. That’s why we began tracking the exchange of coffee between the characters ever since then.

Here’s a recap to those who want a refresher why Songhwa was the Coffee Princess. It’s a protected write-up, though.

Hospital Playlist: The Coffee Princess

In Episode 3, Songhwa made coffee for herself and JW. She used a matching set of mugs. JW took a sip, and she waited for his approval. He smiled at her and said it was good.

I knew coffee was going to be important because of the song “Aloha,” and Reply 1988.

lol. The anti-Flower Gardeners lurking here called our coffee theory silly…but look where we are now. 😂

We shouldn’t worry about Songhwa’s coffee-giver. Instead, we should look at Songhwa’s coffee-recipient. Remember this drama is about HER choice.

In this episode, we saw her placing a mug in front of JW. IJ also got coffee from her but the director didn’t bother to highlight Songhwa handing him the mug. Instead, the director did a close-up shot of Songhwa’s hand setting down the mug for JW.

Meanwhile, her mug was on her desk.

To me, this mirrored last season’s scene in Episode 3. The connection between the two hadn’t been severed by JW’s dating news. Songhwa still preferred him.

To me, this was the relevant coffee scene…if you’re husband hunting in this drama.

JW: Have we picked a song this week?
IJ: Yes, but I’m not going to tell you.
JW: It’s in our group chat, you freak.
IJ: Nothing’s going my way.

Considering that the director filmed him twice saying the line, “Nothing’s going my way,” I say this was a forewarning of things to come. 🙂

Door closing on IJ. 


34 Comments On “Throwback Thursday: The Coffee Mystery”

  1. Thanks @PM3, I don’t mind you sharing at all. The pleasure is all mine. I still can’t believe how you do it all – write your blog, be on top of things and read each comment.

    Happy Monday!!!

  2. Very thorough analysis! So true about IJ…at first, I thought he could’ve been the coffee giver as well as JWon, but something felt off and I agree if he came by and saw SHwa sleeping through the window, he would’ve more likely barged in and done a song and dance number to wake her up haha. It would be more like JWon to quietly leave her to rest while thoughtfully leaving the coffees behind.

  3. Thank you for sharing this as a ‘throwback’ post @packmule3. I like how the suspects and their respective arguments are well laid and justified. The analyses here were not just based on feelings but are backed up with logical facts.

    The first logical thought that I had was on SeonBin since she was the last person SW met before she went back to her office. But of course, I was not able to fully think through of her possibly not knowing SW’s car and I did not pick up on the informal language on the note.

    I guess we’ll just wait and see who the mystery giver is in the upcoming episodes. Though like the others, I feel the same vibes as when Capt. Ahn gave SW the shoes in S1. That’s why I also won’t mind if IJ was the giver. It’s not much of a big deal. Lol.

  4. It is lovely that SHwa’s character is so nice others want to surprise her with gifts. She got shoes and flowers from CH last season. JW gave her a pain patch. In this episode SB brought her cake. And doesn’t it speak well of her character that we viewers can quickly think of several who would want to leave SHwa coffee with solid reasons as to why? Now try placing a different character in this scenario as the recipient. Can you easily come up with three people with plausible reasons? Well, then…

  5. Thanks, @packmule3 for the thorough analysis of the many possible angles in the mystery! 🙂

    Thanks, too, for the perspective that what is more important is who SHwa is shown giving coffee to! 🤭

    Back to mystery coffee scene, the director and writer took time to show SHwa’s sincere pleasure at receiving the thoughtful gift.

    Now, throughout Episode 2, IIRC, there were pointedly a couple of scenes showing SHwa finding IJ funny/being pleased with him. (And aside from the fact that I think those scenes are intentional crumbs to generate discussion/fan fare, albeit red herring 😈) I sincerely don’t mind those scenes at all because I’m happy that SHwa is once again comfortable about their friendship. (Incidentally, I am unlike JWon who was whiny that SHwa found IJ’s jokes funny. Hee hee.)

    But from a completely FGer’s POV (admittedly without concrete basis) , my personal preference/wish is that the coffees are from JWon. Because SHwa was shown in the scene to be very pleased about the thoughtful gesture, and it would be nice if SHWa’s smile was brought about by JWon’s act. That for all the coffee-giving SHwa has made to him, he has now returned the favor. 🙂

    (Also, I sincerely wonder and try o recall: when Captain Ahn gave her the shoes, and whenever IJ gave her coffee in S1, was she shown to be especially smiley?)

  6. @royangi we always think the same 🙂

  7. @pandamilktea that was something I was wondering about too. So I went to rewatch that scene and Songhwa’s first reaction was being surprised, my take: she wasn’t expecting to get this kind of gift (shoes are also quite expensive compared to other gifts one could get for their birthday from a collegue – I’m writig “a cillegue” because she got it at work and not at some other place). But then she got this famous “awkward face” (her lips tightly together) and was shown from the outside, through that little window in the door. So her reaction was completely different this time, bc as many of the posters wrote previously, this time with the coffee, she was smiling and acting as if she recognised the giver.

  8. So the interpretation of the coffee scene could take two ways – either is this scene an exact mirroring of the shoes gifted to Songhwa and we know it was capt. Ahn who gave her the shoes and he was rejected (so this time it would be IJ who was the giver, although he had already been rejected, hmm). Or it was a reversed mirroring i.e. this AHN giving Songhwa the coffe wont’t be rejected because Songhwa reacted quite the opposite to the gift.
    Or the PD just trolled us and it’s totally someone else LOL.
    So everything is possible.

  9. I think the 2 Ahns are linked. There was the “jealous” scene by PaBo during the DLL conversation when SHwa laughed at IJ’s joke. Then the same hand on her shoulder gesture (like in the lift) by IJ. The same mystery gift giver in Ep2 – ChiHong with shoes in S1 and now the thoughtful gift of 2 coffees now S2. I think it’s PaBo because IJ would only give her 1. Not 2. The 2nd cup showed that the giver of coffee was sensitive enough to think, “she can have real coffee if she’s still tired after her power nap. Or she can drink decaf instead if she feels awake enough and doesn’t want a caffeine hit.”

    The previews show IJ and UJu camping next ep. I think this is linking us to the biopsy. I managed to link the camping site B104 with the biopsy scene. The building in the back at the car park had B104 on the side of it. There were 2 camping scenes for SHwa in Ep3 in S1. First scene was in the sunshine and she went alone and was called away. I think IJ/UJu camping this ep is linking us back to IJ showing up for her biopsy result the first time.

    SHwa’s friend BaRam (Wind) had breast cancer. Her husband didn’t show up at her first op, but he did on her second.

    In the second scene for camping, SHwa went in the rain. And ChiHong showed up and told her he was the giver of the shoes. The 2 Ahns are linked. I think PaBo is going to show up on her follow up appointment and he’s the giver of the 2 coffees. Just like BaRam’s husband showed up the second time. I think a marriage is planned for FG. Marriage not dating. SeokMin also asked SHwa if she was jealous when they both witnessed the scene between the husband and sick wife. He said, “you should date” but SHwa said she’s happy to be single then she gets the notification about the passing of Ju’s wife. At the funeral she asked PaBo about the relationship between Ju and his wife. She seemed touched that Ju loved her so much and never left her side. So she’s not interested in dating. Marriage on the other hand? Yes. 😂

  10. As for ChiHong being refused by SHwa. Well she’s not interested in dating. She’s looking for a long term relationship – a marriage. Rosa and Ju were in a drama together as a couple where Rosa was trying to set up her son. The title of that drama was Marriage not Dating. So PaBo just needs to marry her 😂. Skip the dating.

  11. @nrllee, re your 2 coffees comments: What a great parallel imagery it is if indeed JWon was the giver of the 2 coffees. Jang had to buy 2 coffees on her own, for herself; SHwa was given 2 coffees by JWon without her even asking to! Oh, for that to be true! 😁

    I saw the first half of Marriage Not Dating (I didn’t finish it though). It is nice to see Rosa and Ju there. 🙂 (Though Ju’s character there is so different, no?)

    I also think (hope!) that FG will end up in marriage. (And possibly even kids!) After all there’s the whole “Let’s get married” and discussion of kids scene in S1. 😊
    (They did this too in Reply 1988 — “Grow up Taek so I can marry you.” “Take responsibility for him for life!” “Okay! How lucky!” — We know your tricks, ShinLee!!! 😉😁)

  12. my money’s on JWon at the very least cause of the DLL thing and that long conversation in her room about her being exhausted and all 🙂 i also love that they have this philantrophy thing that ties them together. i may not still feel that JWon has something for SW but her excitement while talking about DLL and JWon’s over concern on her health was enough for me to forget about the ep 1 WG scenes

  13. @nrllee i second! theyre friends already, so they can just jump to marriage anytime! 🙂

  14. I will let you in on a secret. True story. Hubby’s cousin is a doctor. He married a doctor. And they never dated. 😂. When we asked them how they got together, his reply was that they went through med school together. They hung out together in groups. And they just got along famously. So when the time came for him to “ask her out”, he thought, “to hell with wishy washy dating, I’ll just get straight to the point and ask her to marry me.” 😂. And he did. And she said yes. And they are still together. The fact that their relationship relied on a deep connection and none of the frivolities of dating (flowers, romantic beach walks etc) there’s a calm and sensibility about it that is enviable. They don’t get mad when someone forgets their anniversary or birthday. They have bigger fish to fry. They lead busy lives as doctors giving of themselves to others. There’s an understanding that grounds them. That’s what I see for FG. 🥰

  15. @nrllee Oohh, good take on the two Ahns. I don’t want to get my hopes up but it would still be nice if it was actually PG who left the coffee. I’d take whatever interaction SW and PG have. Mehe.

    I was also wondering if they’d bring up the biopsy again since SW had to get retested for it, which, as someone pointed out before, was only told to PG. I’m looking forward to this scene if ever.

    And, you are totally right on ‘marriage, not dating’. These two people are already in their 40s, mature, stable, and had a very deep connection and history. They know each other very well to the point where they can tell what the other is thinking without having to be told anything. They can indeed just skip dating and proceed to marriage – just like your hubby’s cousin, on which i thank you for sharing 😊

  16. I’ve been thinking, hear me out. At first I considered the coffee giver mystery to be more of a red herring and probably inconsequential in the long run but maybe it’s not so much.
    Who can make SHwa smile like that? Especially in her exhaustion. I think that’s who she’ll choose.
    Could it be IJ? I very highly doubt it as most evidence points to them being a very bad match. BUT, just playing devils advocate here-If it turns out to be him, it seems like many points in his favor. She also finds him amusing now. Although that’s mostly chalked up to the fact that she probably is so relieved to have the awkwardness out of the way.
    My money is on Jwon as the giver and if it’s revealed that he is in the next episode, then I think this little canoe we’re all in just got a motor attached to it 😉

  17. @Beingwritten Nice to have someone on the same page 🙂

  18. Thanks so much @pm3 @janey and others for the write-up!

    My first guess was Seonbin, but as i think about it i am leaning more on PG just because giving 2 coffees and choosing not to enter the room is such a considerate thing to do. However i don’t mind if it’s Ikjun. Like you said, Chihong gift Songhwa something before and we know how it all ended up.

    That’s why i am more invested in the gestures Songhwa did, and we can all see PG is her fav guy.

    I love @nrllee’s theory that PG will turn up for the 2nd biopsy. It will be amazing if that happens! I wonder if Songhwa will ask him, or if he offers to go with her and she said yes. It will go hand-in-hand with the theme of Songhwa’s choice. Ikjun came even when she didn’t want anyone but she’ll let PG be on her side.

  19. Mind you, it’s just a theory 😂. There are many ways a writer can link stuff up. But the 104 reference was just too coincidental. Shin had to have edited it in there?

    SHwa waiting in her car for 7am when her biopsy appointment was (104 on the building)

    The camp site in Ep3 (both times it was the same campsite. 104. Once in the sunshine and once in the rain – when ChiHong showed up and told her he gave her the shoes).

  20. Personally, I still think it’s Ikjun. If it’s PG, her reaction would be different i.e. more romantic gaze into the oblivion hehehehehe… Since she laughed like that it could only be because the goofy guy gave it. I stated before, PG has never been shown giving out coffee to others by his own effort. He ordered his own coffee. Even when Rosa saw him at the garden with his supposed fling, he had coffee by himself. But what we have been shown so far is that he accepted coffee only from Shwa for a few times now. Coffee and PG & Coffee and Shwa. There have to be some sort of rule going on. There are gonna be a lot of coffee giving from Ikjun to Shwa next, my guess. ShinLee are really going into rabid hole with this Iksong x Coffee trope lol.

  21. @Nrllee I would love to se PG showing up for Songhwa’s second biopsy result!
    @pandamilktea what a great observation – the ep beginning with Jang buying two coffees for herself in the morning and Songhwa getting two coffees from someone late at night. That’s lovely.
    So I’m taking the latter as a good sign: at the end of the day, litterally and methaphorically, it’s our Songhwa who is the winner!

  22. I’m with @Miracle23, I personally think Ikjun buying her those 2 coffees. Of course, as an FG, I would be more contented to know that it turns out to be PG, if not, I don’t mind. The fact that Ahn Chi Hong gave Shwa the new pair of shoes in S1 and Ikjun appeared on the day Shwa got the biopsy result make me always stay open to any possibilities. Now I only focus on what Shwa wants!
    Ah, also, I always have the impression that Jwon is broke. Someone pointed out that Jwon had never bought coffee for anyone and actually I did not see him buying anything for anyone in S1 either (please correct me if I’m wrong). In S2, at least I know he bought strawberries for the gang LOL. So, if he buys coffee for Shwa, I would appreciate this action after all the hard work Shwa has been through

  23. @pandamilktea, I remember the scene in her office the day after she got her biopsy result, where she was particularly smiley. When Ikjun dropped off coffee for her, even though she said she had been in the mood for it prior (after Chihong had brought it up), she raised her eyebrows at the cup of coffee lol.

    Also, unless, I’m misremembering, didn’t Shwa confront Chihong on his feelings for her after he dropped off a cup of coffee?

    Anyways, I said this in another comment, but it would be sweet if it were Jwon and I’m not against it – but I’m open to other options as well since, as other posters have mentioned, the giving of coffee doesn’t necessarily indicate towards endgame.

  24. @Autmn, yes you are right. In S1, he was supposed to treat his friends using his matured deposit but it ended with Shyeong paying for the meal because they pitied PG for having to fulfill his charity commitment. After that no mention of him using his money other than on DLL. By the way, the first buying he did is the dinner with his fling, implied since he is the guy and guy usually pays for dates. However, I am of the view that his purchase of strawberries which Shwa likes is more substantial than the dinner meal because it was specifically mentioned and we were shown what was the thing that he paid for. Meanwhile his dinner date meal is insignificant compared to the ramyeon and strawberries because, well, ShinLee did not even bother to give focus on it unlike the other meal sessions, despite the “food that make everyone jealous” remark. 🤭

    We’ll see what else would he spend on his fling.😏

  25. Episode 2 has an interesting link with two cups of coffee. It opened with Maggot buying herself 2 cups of coffee from IJ’s card and ended with SHwa got 2 cups of coffee as a gift.

  26. @Miracle23 we know Pabo is cheap 😀 except for DLL euh now MSL (Mommy Short Legs as @PML3 said)

  27. @miracle23 You’re right. Those strawberries were given more focus compared to PG and Jang’s dinner. Lol. We even got air time of them just eating those strawberries and commenting how good it was (made me want to taste it too 😅). So yeah, I was more jealous of their strawberries than whatever he and Jang were having 😂

  28. @Miracle23 @jwave: true true. That speaks a lot too. In the teaser for ep3, PG and Jang seem to have another date. Let’s see how it goes 😂

  29. thanks for breaking this mystery down @pm3.

    ikjun being the coffee giver makes sense by the way songhwa reacted on what’s written in the coffee. she’s been know to like and laugh at his jokes. but he wouldn’t be this sneaky at her, leaving the cups on her hood. he’s the type who would probably show up in the car park with coffee cups in his hands, dropping snarky jokes as he waits.

    jeongwon is sneaky, so he can be the coffee giver, tho this maybe a friendly gesture (yet). he is frugal, but he bought strawberries for the gang already, why not give songhwa two cups of coffee?

    anyway, whatever shinlee’s intentions on this coffee mystery, it will lead to either of these two:
    1. reel in folks to a bigger ship, only to sink them near the end
    2. leave crumbs for the slow and steady canoe

  30. @BulmaGoku, I am loving this Mommy Short Leg and Daddy Long Leg combo. kekekeke So cute! Fit into the short FL, super tall ML trope perfectly. Thank you Paclmule3 for coming up with the endearing name. MSL is SHwa. *hearts*

    @Autmn, another lousy date that will showcase that fangirl’s super meek personality. She never did this even to Minha or Ikjun. She can actually be nice to people and talk nicely to people but she chose not to. The facade. Pffft!

  31. Mommy Short Leg and Daddy Long Leg! Very fitting lol. DLL by Jean Webster is one of my favourite classics. I’d love if SHwa and JW starts corresponding with each other just like Judy and her DLL.

  32. Dear Friends, loved all your Posts and analyses, but for me the marrow of this show is the relationships in it. Both Writers and Directors had made a point to show us viewers parallel cases, sometimes back to back, to show us what is the proper thing to do vs. what the lack of center (principles and values?) can bring upon.

    Like the conversation of the Bears vs. JWon date with Gyeo-Ul. Even if the questions are the same, the order and the emphasis on them differ so much that both conversations are as separated as Earth and Sky.

    Yes, I am frustrated by JWon’s selection of a girlfriend, but he is still the fantastic human being that lives on a dime (or mooch his friends XD ) to fund DLL, and that treats his little patients as the Children of God and the Miracles they are. So even if calling him PaBo lets us vent some frustration about the character’s choice, he is a very special character: someone we could learn a thing or two.

    I find the Marriage Wars funny to an extent and enjoy belonging to my FlowerGarden team as much as if they were “La Vinotinto” (the Redwine football team of my Venezuela). But my main goal with this Drama is to try to become a little wiser, a little better person, just by seeing what being rich or lacking in principles and values bring. Thankfully I have all of you in this discovery journey to fill in the gaps of what I cannot appreciate nor even see sometimes.

    So for example some of you introduced me to viewing Love through the lens of 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 several shows ago it made a huge impact on me since my default is Eros, Philos and Agaphe. Now I can read more into some situations 😉 , and I hope that makes a difference in how I will handle them in the future.

    Please, transcend this ship wars and grab this show’s life lessons =D

  33. I have a hunch it’s IJ, seeing how SHwa smiled upon seeing the writing on the coffee. It’s the kind of grin she exhibits whenever she’s amused of IJ’s antics. I don’t know, if it had been JWon.. her facial expression could have been pensive, with a deep smile that gives off a satisfying joy. You know that kind of vibe they have when she and Jwon are wrapped in their own conversation? I didn’t get this vibe as I see her looking at the coffee. Smiling, yes. But amused smile, as she always does with IJ. Of course I would be hoping it would be from JWon. But @packmule3
    said it right, we would not care much as to who gave coffee to SWha. What we should be noting would be, who would SWha give coffee to?

  34. So I am watching S1E5 and this scene popped up. ChiHong was the only person who ever bought her decaf. Because he thought she had too much real coffee during the day already. The 2 Ahns are linked. So my money is on PaBp being the mystery coffee giver.

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