69 Comments On “Memories of the Alhambra: Ep 15 Rewatch Sat Apr 29”

  1. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Thanks my dear @pkml3!! We’re definitely enjoying this rewatch!

  2. Hi, Here now and later. 😉

  3. Hi, here also🥳

  4. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @LL and @WE, I’m definitely here LOL.

  5. Hi @LL, @GB and @WE. I am here, full coffee cup at the ready.

  6. Hi GB and Lootie.

  7. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hi @SD!

    It’s a cold open between JW and Prof Cha.

  8. Hi salteddust.
    I lauched the drama.

    The maybe boyfried still here!
    ANd so anoying..

  9. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, she does the only thing she can do, since almost boyfriend is her partner in the workshop. She ignores him, LOL.

    At last Se Ju makes a reappearance, looking exactly the same… but I wonder how his wound healed. He was stabbed quite badly I thought.

  10. The guy is so useless.
    At the time he could say to hee-juu the brother is coming, it’s too late. The brother already in the street.
    I think it’s volontary irony from the writer, so she made this guy get the phone call, ahaha

  11. @GB, how he healed… well… we have to admit that: it’s a game where the lens change reality of the perception and brain, BUTTTTTTTT
    This guy stay one year in a “dungeon”, kind of parallel dimension, SOOOOOOO
    It’s not the perception and the brain.
    I suppose he healed when he was in this, but it’s so blurry, we never know how was this place. bad bad!! It’s rare, but SJJ can manage to disapoint me a bit sometimes. ^^

  12. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE He is so annoying because he insists on nagging and behaving like a family member when he isn’t acknowledged as one.

  13. I really like the way this is so seamlessly stitched with the previous episode. We do not just get the repeat of the scene where HJ meets SJ, we also get a couple new scenes including the phone call with the want to be boyfriend and the scene on the other side of the globe at the cafe. SJJ really does a nice job with these.

  14. This guy need a backstory where is family died in a plane crash. 🙂

  15. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Now we have Park saying the thing that Prof Cha hates most to hear ie that he has to take responsibility. Cha does not even want to call off the police… granted it’s a bit late because Yoo Ra has already shot her mouth off full of lies.

    Park hears Se Ju is back and thinks that JW will be back soon too. Cha is not pleased. Poor Park,… his joy and hope is shortlived.

    A character I cannot recall calls Park to say that he’s been taking care of JW at a hotel. Have we met this doctor before?

  16. 11: we enter the flashback mess.
    Of course, as See Ju is free, so everything happening to Jin Woo is now flashback.
    Hee Juu already lose him, he’s goooone.

  17. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @SD, I notice this most with SJJ shows, where she gives the backstory to something we were introduced to in the previous episode, and with extra info. I’m noticing it more in other shows too. It’s a nice story-telling device in dramas.

  18. First time I watched the drama, I couldn’t really follow this episode 15. I made many watching errors. But it was ok on first rewatch. 🙂

  19. @GB, it’s often best to tell the backstory AFTER the story made us curious about the character. So we want to know more about them. 😉

  20. Except historical dramas, but often I still see a bit of present story before the chilhood.
    Not in Queen Seon deok. Backstory even before the heroin is born. But anyway, with the main villain, my favorite character in the drama.

  21. The brother have same clothes. Didn’t washed himself during one year. It should stink in the room.

  22. @WE@GB Yes instantly annoyed by his aggressive questioning when SeJu was obviously distraught! Alarmingly SeJu unable to shed light on JW’s whereabouts. Much easier to follow storyline this time as it bounces back to previous day and we learn JW’s treatment by doctor in hotel room who then sets up JW’s encounter with Prof Cha.

  23. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, while we are watching the backstory/flashback… at the same time JW should be on the way to return the car to Hee Ju, I believe. Then he goes to the church to wait for Emma.

    In the meantime we continue with the flashbacks not in this order but they include of Park contacting Prof Cha, Cha going to the hotel, JW getting Cha to write his confession, Cha getting the server started up, the big shootout in the hotel room and Park going to investigate the hotel room.

    On the other end we have Se Ju back home, granny cooking a meal, Se Ju telling almost boyfriend about the Instance Dungeon, Se Ju and HJ having a talk, HJ alone in her room waiting all night. (Then she goes out and finds that her car is back and JW is gone).

  24. @LL and @WE I too am finding this episode much easier to follow than the first time. Especially since I realized the role that phone calls play, where the phone call calls up not only the memories of the person we see making the phone call, but also the memories of the person on the other end of the phone call.

  25. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, to Se Ju, it was not a year… he merely felt that he had been waiting for someone to finish the quest. He didn’t need to eat or sleep.

    Now we get the flashback of Emma’s first attempt to delete the bug.

  26. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @LL that almost boyfriend just lacks sense overall. He’s the controlling type, telling people what to do and wanting to know stuff that’s not his business.

  27. @GB, it’s one year later, when they do the game is Seoul (or at least 6 months). But how can’t he sleep or eat?

  28. Jin Woo escape with the key in the chest.
    And have to fight bots.

  29. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, in the Instance Dungeon, time does not flow the same as for us. Perhaps to Se Ju it was only a couple of days and he does not get hungry in the game.

    Oh, I forgot that NPC Sec Seo appears 3 times!! I thought only once.

  30. What make his emotional state worst. He sees his ally being killed another time. Shit.

  31. @GB, ok, time doesn’t flow the same. So it’s not the perception and brain here. I think because of this, the drama jumps into the real paranormal. But anyway… even with a rational explanation, the whole feels much like that.

  32. I do like the sound effects throughout of Emma’s voice, that echoing sound, like sound is as fuzzy as her image and in a much larger and hollowed out space.

  33. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, he had to even remove the key stabbing in his chest by himself… so much suffering. That acting was really good.

    So it seems he can delete bugs in others but he cannot delete himself. He still needs Emma to do it.

  34. @salteddust. Yeah, Emma if from outer space. ^^

  35. Maaaaaany subjective view from Jin Woo.
    FPS game feeling.

  36. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @SD, hollow sounding like in a large, empty church?

  37. @GB, I agree Hyun Bin’s acting is really good in this scene. The veins in his neck stand out.

  38. Terrible veins.. arrah it hurts me to watch that.

  39. @GB, yes, hollow sounding like in a large church, but JW’s voice does not echo.

  40. A serie of fast flashback. Just a line or two.

  41. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, I think the show deliberately plays with time and the multiple flashback inside flashback to create the same feel as if we’re in the game and disoriented.

  42. The hostel look like the one used in defendant. A guy fall from the building in the drama.

  43. @GB, maybe.. but as SJJ used that also in other dramas, I also think it’s an effective storytelling process. I use that too. Well not so intensively, but I can see how it boosts curiosity and suspens. So, I don’t know about the game explanation, but for sure, it’s a screenplay technique from her. And not many people use that. I wonder if she was inspired by Chritopher Nolan “Memento” in the past, and decided to use “time swap” but in her own way, mixed with flashbacks kdrama use often.

  44. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Wow JW is so astute… he must have stopped Emma from deleting him because he realised that Prof Cha would also be affected as his ally. He had already cottoned on that both of them in reality and in the game were mere ‘bugs’ LOL. They had to be eliminated in order for everything to become ok.

  45. I feel like Pr Cha will do something REALLY BAD.

  46. GOSH.
    Jin Woo turns his head and there is a “woosh” sound. Like in Liar Game, lol!! 🙂

  47. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    Hah! JW throws Prof Cha’s words back at him. Cha is forever trying to lay blame elsewhere instead of taking responsibility. He will definitely try to get out of it, even if it means commiting murder by proxy.

  48. This bastard pr Cha relaunch the game to get rid of Jin Woo. But without knowing it.. he just made the error of his life… Really, no way to trust this bad guy.

  49. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    BTW @SD, will you be interested in joining us for the Liar Game Season 2 rewatch? Same day and time after the MOTA rewatch ends. The show thread is already up.

  50. Like a coward, he stays in the bathroom, waiting for Jin Woo be killed by bots. So baaaad.

  51. @GB I really did not catch the import of the conversation between Prof Cha and JW the first time, the whole business about being a ‘bug’ in the game and in reality. I still feel like I need to think it through a bit. I was thinking JW was a messianic figure and that was what all the references to the church and the figure of Christ were about (and being stabbed). I need to ponder this a bit more (of course the pace of this drama does not allow for much pondering, LOL).

  52. Now he asks “close the servers”. Stupid, he doesn’t know his zombi son doesn’t need the server?!

  53. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE Actually, would NPC HS still be able to appear even when the servers are shut down?? If not then yes, Prof Cha really got himself in big trouble. The only person who could save him (he himself just acknowledges that) is JW, but he gets JW killed/unconscious so he cannot get any help when NPC HS pops up.

  54. He sees Jin Woo. Yeah. The guy you just killed, bastard!

  55. Now pay the price for your bad action, Pr cha. Killed by your zombi son. After you killed your “adoptive” son Jin Woo and didn’t care of the death of your real son. ahahahaha.

  56. Note: the scene stop before the sword slash.
    Ahhahaha. But soon after…
    We get the body.

  57. So much in this episode…Around 20 minutes in JW announces this is “My last story” and near end he says, “My story ends here.” Does his story end because he claimed that normalcy would ensue only if he and Cha were eliminated since they were the bugs? And since Prof Cha was eliminated, then JW must be eliminated too? Another question arises then as to why JW shot young Cha after he had killed his own father? Wouldn’t his own claim that he and Prof would live or die together mean he would accept his own death?
    Not sure I’ve expressed this well, sorry.

  58. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @SD, Yes, JW does become the messianic character… we will see later that when he decides to sacrifice himself the camera focuses on the crucifix.

    In his conversation with Cha, he states that they will live or die together, that the problem lies with them, and would not go away until they were ‘deleted’ or their power annulled. I think that’s what the press conference JW suggested was supposed to do. They could have survived if Cha had not started up the server.

    What poetic justice that he gets attacked by the son he disinherited and wrongly condemned.

  59. GB, you were lucky one minute. The music without the song. But now, the song is here!!

  60. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @LL, I gather that since allies fought together, their common enemies could kill them both, but that they did not both need to die unnecessarily. However, because the game treated JW as a bug, his allies would also be considered bugs. The only way to get rid of the bugs (the NPCs and JW) was by using the Key of Heaven.

  61. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @WE, I know!!! I was hoping the song would not be sung but that only the melody would be played… Unfortunately … NO !!!!

  62. End of the love triangle.
    Finally, Jin Woo choose Emma. 🙂

  63. When HS raises the sword over Prof Cha he is like the angel of death, meting out justice.

  64. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    @SD did you see my question upthread?

  65. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    LOL @WE, Emma had no love for JW nor did JW care much for Emma. The love triangle should have been with almost boyfriend but he is too pathetic and uncared for.

  66. Hi @GB. I did. I was still in the middle of watching MOTA Ep 15. I never finished the first episode of Liars Game which I tried to do at the same time as the rewatch, but I was traveling then. I don’t think I will join you all for Liars Game 2; I will likely be traveling at the same time also and I just don’t see myself watching (and rewatching) both of them in time. Although I do love these rewatches!

  67. GrowingBeautifully (GB)

    OK, see you next week @SD!!

    Thanks everyone for a great rewatch party! See you all for the finale next Saturday!

  68. @GB, I notice SJJ as some recursive thematics.
    I can’t make the whole list, as I probably forget some but:
    – Quite cold ML, or difficult to love the FL or hard with her. The FL always run after the guy. She never do a ML running after the girl. (or after some problematic space-time incident, like in 9)
    – The ML disapears (in another world, time or game).
    – Someone is bad at washing himself/herself.
    – There is a guy like Oh sung-moo or Pr cha.
    – There is weird love triangle, always a guy with himself or herself. Here two Emma, two Kang Chul in W, a guy/girl from another timeline in 9.
    – Of course, two worlds, or another dimension, time. Anything. Even in Yumi Cells (probably why she chose this project as she’s not the conceptor but it’s a manhwa adaptation).

  69. Ok, I have to go too, see you next week.
    Have to find a meal for this evening. I don’t know what.

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