Love O2O: Spoons and Forks

I would have said, “Promises, promises.”

credit: xenshua’s tumblr?? I’m sorry I saved this a long time ago and forgot where I got this from.


I wish he’d stop making innuendos like this and not following through.

I’m with @oli. I don’t think I could have lasted two years of convent style of living. As the bible said, “The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.” Forty days of fasting is already hard enough for me. I’m easily tempted and bribed by bright sparkling things.

By the way, two people can CERTAINLY sleep on a small sofa. Let me count the ways: on his chest, on his back, face to face, back to back, or just plain spooned in his arms.

Image result for spooning humor

I recommend spooning, although spooning can lead to forking. hahaha.

Image result for if you know what i mean gif


I’m on vacation. I’ve left posts to randomly pop up. But knowing what a klutz I am with technical things, I wouldn’t be surprised if I messed up royally and all my posts got stuck in blog-bimbo…errr…limbo.

3 Comments On “Love O2O: Spoons and Forks”

  1. omg!! Packmule u r hilarious! I never know what to expect every time I visit ur blog!

  2. By the way, two people can CERTAINLY sleep on a small sofa. Let me count the ways: on his chest, on his back, face to face, back to back, or just plain spooned in his arms. I recommend spooning, although spooning can lead to forking. hahaha.

    🤣 🤣 🤣

    I don’t know what to say except I would have loved to sleep with him in the sofa. 😜 Don’t judge me! 🤣

  3. Pingback: Love O2O: Ep 24 Highlights – Bitches Over Dramas

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